
A short report and an amputated toe

A short report and an amputated toe

– Eleventh day in the wilderness: a tailor-made outfit and a severed toe

For Giulia Siegel, it is the crowning conclusion, the fable. The 49-year-old is leaving the RTL summer jungle. With a 7:1 majority, the other competitors in the Sunday RTL+ episode of “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” decided in favor of reality star Gigi Birofio (25) and against Siegel, the daughter of composer Ralph Siegel. “The most outstanding 7:1 since the 2014 World Cup semi-final,” said presenter Jan Köppen, referring to the legendary German victory against Brazil.

The Kryptonite of the Campfire

Siegel and Birofio became contestants because their eating challenge had failed in the previous episode – neither of them could completely consume a gemsbok heart (Siegel) or a tarantula in jelly (Birofio).

“When you are outside, you will be helped”

Only Siegel’s ally Georgina Fleur spoke out in favor of her staying in the South African wilderness. Everyone else preferred Siegel’s departure after numerous rule debates, suspicions of rule violations and, above all, the dramas at dinner. Even her self-proclaimed ally, moderator Mola Adebisi, voted against Siegel, citing her “cough” as the reason. Birofio accused him of being afraid: “Georgina is right about the small balls.”

Stasi and the Berlin Wall

Others were more direct about Siegel: “That was the best nomination ever,” raved reality star Elena Miras. Sarah Knappik, who is still angry that Siegel described her camp administration as Stasi tactics, spoke of karma and reminisced, comparing the situation to the GDR dictatorship: “I had to build my own wall.”

“What misery”

The expelled Siegel initially seemed embarrassed and stared at the floor as her roommates announced their vote, but then she burst into angry tears when she realized that she was stuck in the jungle for another night: “What misery.” She hoped for an unexpected turn of events until the end, but was disappointed.

The Foot Cutting Saga

A missing toe was also discussed. Georgina Fleur revealed that she had her toe amputated because it overshadowed her other toe and she suffered from this flaw: “I had real insecurities.” Mola Adebisi’s reaction: “By far the most ridiculous cosmetic surgery I have ever heard of.”

Jungle trial drama

But it wasn’t just her amputated toe that kept Fleur in the spotlight. Drama also arose after completing another jungle task with Sarah Knappik and Kader Loth – even though they had previously competed alone against crocodiles and earned five stars for the trio.

“Trial against terror”

Initially, the three candidates agreed that Kader should not participate in the “Trial of Terror” again and that they would settle for Georgina’s stars, since all the stars would be lost if she did not make it in time.

Knappik and Loth apparently forgot this agreement when they returned to the camp. Fleur, they claimed, had attempted the test alone to put them in a bad light, which baffled Fleur, who believed she was destined for expulsion after Siegel’s departure.

In German reality TV, Giulia Siegel, the daughter of composer Ralph Siegel, was in danger of being eliminated from the “I’m a Celebrity – Jungle Legends Showdown”. Despite the advocacy of her fellow contestant Georgina Fleur, the majority voted for reality star Gigi Birofio.

Despite her father’s great success as a composer of Eurovision entries, Giulia Siegel’s stay in the jungle was marked by numerous controversies, which ultimately led to her exit.

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