
“A good addition”: New statue to be unveiled along Route 66 in Tulsa

“A good addition”: New statue to be unveiled along Route 66 in Tulsa

There’s something new causing a stir on Route 66 in downtown Tulsa.

“This is Meadow Gold Mack, the friendly lumberjack,” said Mary Beth Babcock.

He is stationed outside the Meadow Gold Mack Outpo… and hard to miss.

Babcock is the store owner and says the 20-foot-high street attraction opened last week.

“They had to do a lot of prep work, the concrete, they had to build the foundation, we had to get permits from the city, he got an extensive spa treatment, painting, everything,” she said.

Babcock says he is the newest addition to what she calls the “Land of the Giants.” Just down the street are two other statues, Stella and Buck Atom.

She says Mack has already made an impact in the two days since his inauguration.

“People already want to have their picture taken with it and then they come in and buy a souvenir,” she said.

9-year-old Gray and his father Mark know Route 66 well.

“We drive around and usually pass by here,” Gray said.

But it was the first visit to the new lumberjack – and Gray says the sight was unforgettable.

“It’s a good addition to Route 66,” he said.

His father agrees and says it brings back memories.

“Growing up, we used directions and landmarks… it’s a pretty good idea,” Mark said.

Babcock hopes the new statue will become a must-see for travelers on Route 66, helping to boost the local economy.

“These attractions help everyone. They not only benefit the businesses that they have in front of them, but they also benefit the people in the neighborhoods, and then they want to explore what else is there,” she said.

Right now, Mack is well prepared to welcome visitors from near and far to Tulsa.

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