
Voldemort is actually a hero who tried to overthrow a “dictatorial government” built on racism and racial segregation

Voldemort is actually a hero who tried to overthrow a “dictatorial government” built on racism and racial segregation

Potterheads come across plenty of bizarre fan theories, like secret underground poker games organized by Hogwarts houses or that Dumbledore is supposedly a time-traveling astronaut, so you’re used to the absurdities by now. But if you’re not, buckle up, because a new contender has risen from the ashes of Voldemort’s remains.

Ralph Fiennes Voldemort
Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter Movies | Warner Bros.

A Redditor claimed that psychopathic villain Lord Voldemort was actually a misunderstood hero, surprisingly catapulting the character to the level of a messiah with a bizarre twist. While we believed the Dark Lord was a champion of pure-blood witches and wizards, the fan theory said he was valiantly trying to overthrow a tyrannical regime of racist wizards and pure-blood elitists.

Fan theory made Lord Voldemort a misunderstood crusader

Can you imagine that Merope Gaunt’s evil son Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort, known for his snake-like face and penchant for dark magic, is an unsung hero of the wizarding world? If not, then prepare to be blown away by Redditor u/alexandervalkyrie’s theory that the Dark Lord was actually a brave revolutionary who fought against the oppressive pure-blood supremacy of the Ministry of Magic.

Forget Lord Voldemort’s quest for immortality and his penchant for killing people. That was probably just his way of “make a statement“ against the unjust government! Apparently, the bizarre fan theory claimed that the psychopathic villain, obsessed with absolute power and control over the wizarding world, was actually fighting against the bureaucratic hurdles of the Ministry of Magic and trying to overthrow the dictatorial regime.

According to this theory, Lord Voldemort was created as the villain of Harry Potter franchise, he actually fought not just for wizards, but for the entire magical world against a tyrannical government. The theory goes on to say that Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudge was the real villain, who planned to oppress and abuse the magical world by using segregation, racism, and dictatorial power to gain absolute control.

Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudge in a still from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | Warner Bros.
Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudge in a still from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | Warner Bros.

When Fudge’s regime subsequently instituted a separation between wizards and non-magical magical beings, the Dementors were forced to guard the wizarding world’s prisons, giants were hunted, goblins were shunned by society, and house-elves were enslaved. This injustice led them to join the Dark Lord, who promised them a fresh start and equal rights. Voldemort recognized their inherent value as sentient beings and sought to build a new society that valued them. He then began to build a coalition of several species to reinvent the wizarding world.

Harry Potter Fans are overwhelmed by the absurd theory

As the theory became strikingly absurd while simultaneously making some sense, the Redditor began to justify that Lord Voldemort was on the right side, and it was his fight against Cornelius Fudge that made the Minister fear his return. Order of the Phoenix. The theory claims that Fudge was actually trying to brainwash the youth of the wizarding world for his own ends, turning the Minister for Magic into a dictator while Lord Voldemort attained the status of a messiah.

Lord Voldemort
Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter Movies | Warner Bros.

The Redditor completely overlooked Lord Voldemort’s obsession with blood purity and almost suggested that all of Voldemort’s crimes were clearly seen by the masses as “murder everyone“. By turning the Ministry of Magic into a cleverly disguised dictatorship with Cornelius Fudge as the puppet master, the fan theory went to bizarre ends to portray the Dark Lord as a genuine rebel with a goal.

Meanwhile, fans took a humorous approach to u/alexandervalkyrie’s theory, flocking to the comments section to express their interest in the twist. They appreciated the turn of events that portrayed Lord Voldemort as a misunderstood crusader fighting against a corrupt magical government, and praised the theory for reimagining the Dark Lord’s nefarious plans as misguided ambitions.

Ultimately, all we can say is that the Dark Lord’s methods may have been a bit extreme, but his heart was in the right place – well, at least figuratively speaking.

Harry Potter Movies are available on Max.

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