
She goes into the jungle as a “strong woman”

She goes into the jungle as a “strong woman”

– She goes into the jungle as a “strong woman”

Four years after her first attempt, Daniela “Danni” Büchner (46) will try her luck in the jungle camp again in a few days. But this time everything will be different on “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends”. In 2020, Büchner even reached third place, but the reality star does not look back on the experience exclusively positively. “Last time I was the outsider, the most unpopular in the camp,” Danni Büchner told the “Bild” newspaper.

As a reminder: Daniela Buechner was originally supposed to take part in “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” in January 2019, but her husband Jens Büchner (1969-2018) died two months earlier from the effects of lung cancer. Büchner’s participation was then postponed for a year. Although she came third, she was not always popular with viewers and fellow competitors. There were frequent conflicts with the other jungle residents. They accused her of not being authentic and of “putting on a show” and of constantly taking on a “victim role”.

“Now I return as a strong woman, no longer as a widow”

Since then, Büchner has not only changed visually, but also in character, as she herself claims, and wants to prove this in the Allstar jungle camp: “Now I’m returning as a strong Womanno longer a widow. I have found inner peace. It’s also about showing that you can change.”

The mother of five has changed “externally and internally” in her life, she says. “A key moment was when I looked at my children and decided to be a good role model. I learned to love and accept myself. My inner circle of friends and family also gives me additional strength,” Büchner told “Bild”.

Danni Büchner was “really at the end” in the jungle in 2020

When they think of their first jungle She has mixed feelings about the performance: “I recently watched it again and was shocked. I was really intimidated at the end, treated badly. It was shortly after Jens’ death – of course I was sad and in a bad mood. Anything else would have been wrong. But today I see it with different eyes.”

How much has Daniela Büchner changed and whether she might even Jungle Crown can be seen on Friday, August 16th, at 8:15 p.m. on RTL. From then on, one of the 17 episodes of the anniversary season will be shown every day at the same time. In total, RTL is sending 13 campers from previous seasons to the jungle in South Africa.

Danni Büchner returns to the jungle camp for “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” and wants to prove her transformation from widow to strong woman. Looking back, she admits: “I was really at the end of my rope, intimidated, badly treated, in a bad mood shortly after Jens’ death.”

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