
Uncovering the Italian’s male perspective on his fellow campers

Uncovering the Italian’s male perspective on his fellow campers

– The intellectual Mr Birofio: The Italian man’s perspective revealed through his camper van

On the 14th day in the jungle camp, Mola Adebisi mentioned that Gigi Birofio might be smarter than he seems.

“Gigi convinced everyone that he was completely harmless,” said the former Viva presenter. “He showed an extraordinary level of emotional perception,” noted Adebisi. Birofio was initially known for his childish behavior, constantly letting off gas, boasting about his conquests and constantly making jokes. The women in the camp considered the men their biggest competition, but Birofio seemed to be an exception. Nobody took him seriously at first.

Legendary jungle camp: Gigi Birofio sees through Vito Schmitz

“Here is a 25-year-old guy who is in top form,” said Adebisi on the 14th day. He couldn’t understand why Birofio was so underestimated. Only he knows whether Birofio has a strategy and is just playing the class clown. But the German-Italian saw through his camp mates like no other. Vito Schmitz in particular felt Birofio’s wrath. While most people in the camp believed in Schmitz’s self-created image as a versatile all-rounder, Birofio doubted his authenticity.

“I like Vito, he’s a good guy. But the thing is, what Vito tells me, he tells everyone. ‘You’re like a son, you’re like an aunt, you’re my grandma, you’re in my heart,'” Birofio said on the jungle phone. “But he tells everyone that. It doesn’t work for me,” he noted. Birofio also didn’t like Schmitz’s boasting. “If someone really has that much money, they’ll keep their mouth shut about it,” he clarified.

Birofio didn’t like Schmitz’s early self-portrayal as the likely winner of the show. “I think Vito is too sure that he will win. But he has forgotten that I am here too,” he said. For 13 days, Schmitz tried to cultivate the image of the camp’s strong and selfless father, who would do anything for his campmates. Birofio was the first to see through Schmitz and his tactics. But it is not just his judgment of the musician that suggests there is more behind Schmitz’s facade.

Gigi Birofio: Don’t underestimate Lisa

It is also exciting how Birofio sees his camp colleague Lisa. While his fellow campers often accuse her of sleeping too much during the day, he sees more in the influencer from Munich. He thinks she is much stronger than others imagine. If a tiger appeared during the jungle test, the tiger would run away at the sight of Lisa, he says. And Lisa has indeed proven to be determined and strong in all tests so far and has established herself as the favorite among the outsiders (except for Gigi).

Gigi often hit the right note in various discussions in the jungle camp. When it came to gender roles and raising children, he said into the jungle phone: “The most important thing, boys, is to simply give love. That’s it, that’s all a child needs.” After Mola Adebisi’s comments on emancipation and the distribution of roles caused a stir, Birofio summed up how things are in his own family.

While his father worked and then relaxed on the couch, his mother took care of the household and raising the children in addition to her paid job. Woman is “simply better than a man,” is Gigi’s conclusion. Wise and sensitive words from a 25-year-old dating show participant who has no children of her own and cultivates the image of a heterosexual macho.

According to the Viva presenter, Adebisi sees Gigi as no insignificant opponent. For jungle fans, after two weeks of jungle TV, he is the sly class clown with his heart in the right place.

Transparency note: Stern is part of RTL Deutschland.

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Despite his childish behavior and constant pranks, Birofio was not seen as a threat by the women in the camp due to his apparent harmlessness. However, his sensitive views on gender roles and child-rearing, such as his statement that “a woman is simply better than a man,” showed another side of him.

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