
Join the B2B revolution: The Drum’s B2B World Fest goes global

Join the B2B revolution: The Drum’s B2B World Fest goes global

The Drum has partnered with BBN International to host its biggest ever event for B2B marketers in the US and UK. Here’s how you can get involved.

The biggest names in B2B marketing on both sides of the Atlantic will come together on November 20 when The Drum’s B2B World Fest goes global.

The annual event will be held in two cities simultaneously for the first time this year: Chicago and London. In a sign of the event’s growing ambition, it will be the first time B2B World Fest will be held in person outside of the UK.

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But this won’t be your typical marketing conference. No, we’re breaking with the old ways of doing things, where endless PowerPoints and lofty ideals ruled the day. Instead, at B2B WorldFest, we’re bringing together the brightest minds and most innovative thinkers in B2B marketing to challenge the status quo in tone and format.

Through dynamic debates, audience-focused discussions and interactive sessions, you will not only leave the event inspired, but also equipped with the practical tools and insights you need to make tangible changes in your business and career.

The agenda has been developed with the expert input of an outstanding steering committee comprised of leading marketers from IBM, Uber for Business and BT Group. The full composition of the steering committee and all scheduled sessions for Chicago and London can be found on the new B2B World Fest website. Speakers will be announced in the coming weeks.

Lynn Lester, Events Director at The Drum, said: “B2B is in the midst of a revolution and so is World Fest.

“From London to Chicago, from Big Ben to ‘The Bean’ – this is B2B on a stage like never before. If you want to do more effective and innovative B2B marketing, you shouldn’t miss this first event of its kind.”

Ed Davis, Director of International Client Relations at BBN International, said: “This event embodies the same revolutionary spirit we embrace at BBN, offering marketers not only inspiration but also actionable insights that can transform their approach.”

In addition to the main sponsor BBN and the regional partners Bader Rutter and True, the event is also supported by Business Brainz, Agency X, Lesniak Swann, MarketLogic and wob.

For partnership and ticket information, visit the B2B World Fest website.

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