
International Dog Day: Meet the rarest dog breeds in the world

International Dog Day: Meet the rarest dog breeds in the world

Dogs are considered “man’s best friend” because they are loyal and make excellent companions. They are extremely faithful and will even risk their lives for their owners. Whether you are a loving pet owner or simply a Animal lovers with an endless curiosity about the world of pets, International Dog Day is the perfect opportunity to learn about rare dog breeds that you may not know about. While many of us have only heard of a few popular dog breeds like the German Shepherd and the Labrador, there is a special category of dogs that are exceptionally rare. Each of these exceptional dogs has unique features that set them apart from the usual dogs in your neighborhood. Whether it’s their distinctive looks or their temperament, here’s what makes these breeds truly special and sets them apart from the usual dogs in your neighborhood.

1. Brazilian Mastiff

Fila Brasileiro or Brazilian Mastiff is a rare and huge breed of dog with an impressive appearance. With a distinctive coat and a loose fold of skin on the neck called a Fila, their muscular build and unwavering loyalty certainly set them apart from other dog breeds. In Brazil, there is a saying that translates to “Loyal as a Fila” and speaks volumes about their loyalty and trustworthiness. But when it comes to raising them, they need an owner who can give them enough space to grow and develop.

2. The New Guinea Dingo

An ancient and rare breed native to the highlands of New Guinea. New Guinea singing dog is known for its unique high-pitched yodels, barks and whine-like sounds. Despite its name, this species is wild and not domesticated. These agile and athletic dogs are believed to have lived on the island for over 5,000 years and are adapted to the rugged terrain of the highlands. However, the species is critically endangered, with less than 200 of them left.

3. The Otterhound


They are the best sniffers ever and are known for their exceptional sniffing skills. Otterhound is blessed with a large nose and large nostrils. It is a large breed of hunting dog from England, but is nevertheless quite a friendly and good-natured breed. They are hard to miss as they are tall, long and well built. They have a rough, double coat and webbed feet, which distinguishes them from hunting dogs. They are an endangered native breed with only 600 remaining in the world.

4. Lagotto Romagnolo

An Italian breed from the swamps of Italy, the Lagotto Romagnolo was used as a hunting dog and for truffle hunting thanks to its thick, curly coat. Lagotto Romagnolo means “seal from Romagna”. Truffle hunters search for truffles – an underground fungus – and alert their owners to them. Lagottos are the only purebred dogs in the world that are officially recognized as specialized truffle hunters.

5. Muddi

The Mud This dog breed originates from Hungary and is known as a small, rare herding dog known for its intelligence and lively nature. Their coat is medium length and curly. They are also known in Finland and the USA as excellent search and rescue dogs. They excel in dog sports and are known for qualities such as obedience and agility. They can be white, yellow, brown, black or grey.

6. Azawakh

These West African dogs originate from Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. These slender dogs have a delicate appearance but are known for surviving in the long and hot deserts of the Sahara.
Do you have any rare dog breeds to add to our list? Let us know in the comments section below.
(Images courtesy of iStock)

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