
Devin Davis unveils bold plan to address Louisiana’s home insurance crisis on anniversary of Katrina and Ida disasters

Devin Davis unveils bold plan to address Louisiana’s home insurance crisis on anniversary of Katrina and Ida disasters

Devin Davis
Image source: Facebook

NEW ORLEANS, LA – Devin Davis, a progressive candidate for Congress in Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District, will hold a press conference on the anniversaries of Hurricanes Katrina and Ida to announce “Insuring Our Future: A Plan to Solve Our Home Insurance Crisis.”

This comprehensive policy proposal aims to address Louisiana’s home insurance crisis, which has worsened significantly since Hurricane Ida. Many residents can no longer afford to own their own home, and a significant portion of homeowners are uninsured. With a state reinsurance program, risk mitigation funds, and a state public insurance program, this policy proposal aims to secure the future of southern Louisiana.

What: Press conference to launch “Insuring Our Future: A Plan to Solve Our Home Insurance Crisis”

When: Thursday, August 29, 9:00 a.m., on the anniversaries of Hurricanes Katrina and Ida

Where: Hurricane Katrina Memorial, 5056 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119

WHO: Devin Davis, congressional candidate in LA-02, and community supporters

Answer: Email Elon Glickman at [email protected] to RSVP.

Louisiana’s home insurance crisis threatens the stability of our communities and the future of our state. As climate change continues to lead to more frequent and costly natural disasters, a bold response from the federal government is needed to ensure that all Louisiana residents have access to affordable and reliable home insurance.

Devin Davis will discuss how the proposed plan will not only lower premiums and regulate insurance companies in the short term, but will also pave the way for the necessary transformation of the property insurance industry to secure our future.

Devin Davis’ opponent, Troy Carter, received $87,800 in contributions from the insurance industry and refused to support Representative Adam Schiff’s INSURE Act, which would create a federal catastrophe reinsurance program.

Davis is running a grassroots, people-driven campaign to fight for Louisiana’s future, not corporate profits. If elected, Davis would be the youngest member of Congress and the first openly LGBTQ member ever elected from the South. Davis’ platform focuses on getting the home insurance crisis under control by holding insurance companies accountable and creating a federal government-run insurance option, protecting South Louisiana from the climate crisis by kicking out the petrochemical industry and transitioning our economy to wind and solar farms, funding reparations for communities in Cancer Alley, and advocating for campaign finance reform that prevents corporations from flooding Louisiana elections with money and hijacking the political process.

Learn more about Devin Davis at or on the campaign’s Twitter and Instagram.

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