
JMT Day 5 – The Trek

JMT Day 5 – The Trek

From Virginia Lake to VVR

Today we’re heading to VVR! I’m pretty excited. It’s the place along the JMT/PCT that everyone talks about. Nothing beats ending up in a place that attracts long-distance hikers, and it sounds like a long-distance hiker’s paradise.

But first, it’s a 15-mile day of finding a good nose and lots of good stuff. The lungs and knees are guaranteed to take a beating for the team today.

Leaving Virginia Lake, it was down a series of tight and tricky switchbacks overlooking Fish Creek. It was beautiful, but not the place to get carried away by the view rather than mind your footing.

Then I went uphill again to Silver Pass, where I could admire a few more beautiful mountain lakes.

Then it continues down past a few more beautiful lakes until you reach the North Fork Mono Creek, which takes you to an even tighter and trickier chain of switchbacks to ride down with even more spectacular views. I mean, just look at that!

I then followed Mono Creek to the Edison Ferry turnoff where I would take a pontoon to VVR.

I have no idea how long it will take me to get somewhere. Yes, I know about Naismith’s rule, but that’s just math. I’m also a fast climber and a slow runner when descending, so I just go for it and hope for the best. I arrived an hour early, only to find that there were other people waiting who weren’t good at Naismith math either.

The ferry ride across the lake was a pure pleasure. It was so fun to be on a boat full of other long-distance hikers heading to long-distance hiking paradise.

Upon arrival we were given a free drink, they even had good non-alcoholic beer, the best ever as I’m taking a break from drinking this year but seriously there’s nothing better than a fresh beer after a hard day of hiking.

The evening was great to witness. A huge campfire surrounded by hikers while a hiker played the guitar they have on site. People playing lawn games. They loaned out clothes to do laundry. Huge hiking boxes to rummage through. The best pizza on Friday, which was the day I was lucky enough to be here. Lots of charging stations and showers. It really is like an adult summer camp for long distance hikers. If you ever hike the PCT or JMT, you absolutely have to stop at VVR. I’m glad I planned to do a zero here tomorrow.

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