
According to TUC study, more than half of LGBT+ workers in the UK are subjected to bullying at work

According to TUC study, more than half of LGBT+ workers in the UK are subjected to bullying at work

A new report has found that 52% of LGBT+ workers in the UK BullyingHarassment or discrimination in the workplace in the past five years.

The study was conducted by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and surveyed 1,001 LGBT+ workers across the UK.

Additionally, 37% of LGBT+ workers were found to have heard “offensive jokes or teasing” about LGBT+ people in the workplace, while 28% experienced homophobic, biphobic or transphobic remarks directed at them or made in their presence.

Even more alarming, 5% have been subjected to physical violence, threats or intimidation because of their LGBT+ identity, with this figure rising to 20% for Transgender workforce.

The impact on mental health is significant, with 38% of bullying victims reporting negative impacts. The study also found that 29% of LGBT+ workers are not open about their sexual orientation in the workplace, indicating ongoing concerns about acceptance in the workplace.

Young LGBT+ workers aged 18 to 24 appear to be particularly at risk: 65% of them report bullying, harassment or discrimination in the last five years.

“LGBT+ people should be safe and supported at work” – TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak

TUC general secretary Paul Nowak said in a statement: “LGBT+ people should be safe and supported at work. But instead they face shockingly high levels of bullying and harassment – including physical assault.”

The report also highlighted the reluctance to report incidents: only 16 percent of LGBT+ workers reported harassment to their employer. Of those who did report, 20 percent said their complaints were ignored.

In response to these findings, the TUC is calling for stronger workers’ rights and urging employers to adopt a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment and discrimination.

The full study can be found here Here (PDF). Government guidelines on bullying and harassment in the workplace can be found Here.

What should employees do if they are bullied or harassed?

Employees should first try to resolve the issue informally. If this is not possible, they should speak to:

  • manager
  • Human Resources
  • Trade union representatives

If this does not work, they can make a formal complaint through their employer’s grievance procedure. If this does not work and they continue to be harassed, they can take legal action with Labour Court.

You can also call the Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) helpline for advice:

Acas hotline
Telephone: 0300 123 1100
Textphone: 18001 0300 123 1100
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Read also Acas Guide to discrimination and bullying.


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