
University of Notre Dame College of Engineering: World-changing engineering programs

University of Notre Dame College of Engineering: World-changing engineering programs

When Himanshu Sharma was looking for a university to pursue his PhD, he wanted a school that would welcome him and challenge him. After all, the decision to give up his life in India and fly across the Pacific to pursue his dreams was not an easy one.

The University of Notre Dame College of Engineering was an obvious choice. It offered him exactly what he was looking for: the opportunity to work with a supervisor, an inclusive laboratory, and ongoing research projects that aligned with his own interests. In addition to an exceptional learning environment, a generous 12-month $40,000 scholarship ensured his financial stability during his PhD studies.

The decision to go to Notre Dame was just the beginning of his journey – a journey that would allow him to realize his dream of “creating a better world for everyone” at a technical school ranked among private institutions in the USA

“My own research project under the guidance of my supervisor has been critical to my development as an independent researcher,” says Sharma, a third-year PhD student in electrical engineering. “The collaborative culture within and outside the department fosters interdisciplinary synergies and expands the scope and impact of our research.”

The Ph.D. program in electrical engineering is just one of 13 graduate programs at the college. There is a Ph.D. in bioengineering, where students look for new solutions to biomedical problems such as cancer. In the area of ​​chemical and biomolecular engineering Ph.D. programStudents address broader, global issues in the areas of health, energy and sustainability.

The Ph.D. program in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest graduate programs at Notre Dame, with over 150 doctoral students. The Ph.D. and professional master’s programs in Computer Science and Engineering focus on the world of data science, artificial intelligence, and software engineering. The Ph.D. program in Materials Science and Engineering offers students numerous opportunities to conduct interdisciplinary research.

Grace Arntz-Johnson, a doctoral student in civil and environmental engineering and geosciences, analyzes a sample. Source: University of Notre Dame

Francisca Schiaffino Pereira, a first-year PhD student from Chile, conducts research in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geosciences.

“The University of Notre Dame is a university that embraces diversity,” said Schiaffino Pereira, a first-generation student. “Everyone is truly welcome here, which I appreciate because it has allowed me to broaden my view of the world.”

Schiaffino Pereira added that her doctoral research allowed her to collaborate in a dynamic ecosystem of scholars with people outside her department and discipline—a feature of Notre Dame’s research approach that has enabled the university to spend 160% more on research than comparable institutions since 1990.

The Faculty of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Geosciences also offers a part-time master’s program in four areas of specialization.

In 2020, two graduate students were awarded the Berry Family Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program from Advanced Diagnostics and Therapeutics. This program allows students to advance their research, in this case to combat cancer and the COVID-19 inflammatory response.

Given the influential discoveries being made throughout the College, it’s easy to see why the University of Notre Dame has been selected for 2023 membership in the Association of American Universities (AAU), a prestigious organization comprised of the nation’s leading research universities.

A bioengineering student talks with the director of the bioengineering program Pinar Zorlutuna in her lab. Source: University of Notre Dame

The School of Engineering has a Nursing and Health Advisor available to students on and off campus, in addition to University Health Services. These resources help students maintain their physical and mental health, as well as their work-life balance. Community-building events are also held in the fall and spring to build a close-knit student group.

“Notre Dame places great importance on the well-being of its graduates,” says Sharma. “This holistic approach to student development underscores the university’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals.”

To advance his research goals, Sharma values ​​the Center for Research Computing (CRC) for its powerful computing capabilities and state-of-the-art workstations that support his workflow with utmost efficiency.

But perhaps the best and greatest resource is the Notre Dame campus itself.

“I have fallen in love with the university, the environment, the South Bend lifestyle and the unique ecosystem… I love walking around campus and seeing how it changes throughout the seasons,” said Schiaffino Pereira. “The library, Duncan Student Center and LaFortune Student Center are my favorite places to study and work – the facilities are very comfortable and allow me to focus.”

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