
Man reunites with Colerain Township police officers who saved his life 4 months later

Man reunites with Colerain Township police officers who saved his life 4 months later

COLERAIN TOWNSHIP, Ohio — A walking miracle is the name given to a man whose life was saved by police and emergency responders in Colerain Township in April.

William “Greg” Adams and his family had the opportunity Friday to meet the officers who jumped into action and helped save his life four months ago.

“I’m a walking miracle that these people were able to help me get to a point and then get me to the hospital, and that everyone here saved my life,” Adams said. “And words just aren’t enough… I’m forever indebted to them.”

Adams said it was emotional to walk into the unit and face those who had helped him.

“That was the first time I met these people, and it was just… I’m an emotional person, and it was just a good feeling to finally meet someone as caring as these people,” he said.

Man meets Colerain officers who saved his life


William “Greg” Adams meets the Colerain officers who saved his life in April after he suffered a near-fatal heart attack.

Adams was driving with his family on I-275 East to his grandson’s basketball game when he suffered a potentially fatal heart attack on April 6, 2024.

“He was completely unresponsive. Then I started CPR,” said Rhonda Gordon, a family member who recalled the incident. “I didn’t hear anything. I didn’t hear the police arrive or anything. I was so focused on him.”

With the help of two passersby, the Adams family was able to safely remove the car from the road and begin CPR. Colerain police arrived shortly after to assist.

“At that point, I was performing CPR and I dropped my hand down. I thought (one of the bystanders who stopped to help) was still there. But it was our Sergeant Renner. And his hand was like an angel’s hand. And then I looked around and saw all the other officers and it was like angels had arrived,” Gordon said.

Man meets Colerain officers who saved his life


Adams with a family member and two bystanders who helped save his life after a near-fatal heart attack.

Adams’ heart was 100% blocked and he was not expected to survive.

“(My doctor) said he had had 10 cases similar to mine and I was the only survivor,” Adams said.

Adams believes God sent him here for a reason, and whatever that reason is, he’s glad he’s doing it. And in the meantime, he’s looking forward to enjoying life.

“I’m just going to enjoy life with my family, make new friends, whatever needs to be done. I’m in,” he said. “I’m so happy and grateful and have met so many loving new friends. It brings a new way of life and I’m just happy to be here and to be a part of it.”

Adams said he has recovered well and spends a lot of time golfing. The Colerain Police Department even asked him to join their golf team, which he happily accepted.

Man meets Colerain officers who saved his life


William “Greg” Adams meets the Colerain officers who saved his life in April after he suffered a near-fatal heart attack.

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