
DNC disinformation campaign on pro-life laws –

DNC disinformation campaign on pro-life laws –

Here’s a look at the extreme pro-abortion rhetoric and activities at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

One of the most shocking events was the incident outside Congress in which Planned Parenthood ended the lives of 25 unborn babies on its bus.

So-called “reproductive freedom” was a central theme throughout the convention, and numerous speakers – including Vice President Harris herself – spread mass amounts of misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies.

What they are promoting has nothing to do with freedom – it is the most radical push for abortion on demand that we have ever seen, at the cost of the lives of unborn babies. Leading this dangerous movement are Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, both of whom have accepted their party’s nomination for president and vice president.

The heartbreaking case of Amanda Zurawski

Let’s take a look at the dangerous misinformation surrounding pro-life laws that claim that restrictions are denying women life-saving treatments. One of the most egregious examples was the testimony of Amanda Zurawski and her husband Josh, who shared their heartbreaking story of losing their unborn daughter, Willow.

Amanda’s case was widely misrepresented for over a year, but here’s what we know from court records. At 18 weeks pregnant, her water broke and she was told that her pregnancy could not continue and her baby could not survive, even though the baby still had a heartbeat, and that her life was in danger. Instead of being offered an abortion immediately, she was told to wait, apparently until the baby died or showed signs of acute infection.

Under Texas law, doctors could have acted immediately to save her life. Tragically, her doctor delayed treatment until she developed sepsis, putting her life at even greater risk.

Texas law allows immediate abortions in cases like Amanda’s

This delay had nothing to do with Texas law. In fact, reports from the Texas Department of Health and Human Services confirm that doctors in Texas perform abortions when necessary to save women’s lives, while the number of reported elective abortions has dropped to zero. This underscores that our laws are clear and effective when it comes to protecting both women and babies.

The Supreme Court of Texas Zurawski vs. Texasunanimously upheld the constitutionality of the Human Life Protection Act, which protects unborn babies from conception, while affirming that doctors can perform abortions to save a woman’s life or vital bodily functions. The court explained that the woman’s death does not have to be imminent for this exception to apply.

The Texas Medical Association included this fact in its recently published rules for physicians regarding Texas abortion laws. The rules allow physicians to perform an abortion to save a woman’s life, and the danger to the woman’s life does not have to be immediate.

Despicable misrepresentation

This is nothing new for Amanda, her husband, the Democratic National Committee, and the Harris campaign team. It is despicable that they are misrepresenting Texas law to advance Harris’s agenda of unlimited abortion, not just for the sake of the mother’s life, but for electoral reasons on demand up until birth, paid for by our taxes. We can expect much more of this as her campaign progresses.

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