
The Bachelorette from August 26, 2024 – Nobody eliminated (review)

The Bachelorette from August 26, 2024 – Nobody eliminated (review)

The Bachelorette from August 26, 2024 – Nobody eliminated (review)

Hello, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, August 26, 2024, another new episode of The Bachelorette 2024 aired, headlined by Jenn Tran. This time, we got to see the sleepover portion of this season.

It started with Jenn showing up for the fantasy suite dates in Hawaii. Before it started, she talked to Molly Mesnick, a former Bachelor Nation contestant. Molly told her, “This is the most important week of this experience.” Jenn then talked about her final three guys: Devin, Marcus, and Jonathon.

Jenn said she and Jonathon have experienced exponential growth recently, but he needs time to be vulnerable with her. She said, “Marcus has always been someone I saw a future with, but I feel like I put in more effort than he did.”

She said of Devin, “I feel a lot closer to him since I met his family, but I’m not completely in love with him yet. But I’m getting closer.” After that, we got footage of Devin and Jenn’s fantasy suite date. They started it off with a helicopter ride over Hawaii.

Jenn told the private cameras, “I’m almost in love with Devin and this experience with him feels right.” They chatted on the beach. Devin told her, “I want to have a normal family life.” Jenn told the private cameras, “I’m really trying to be careful with Devin. I’m waiting for my feelings to catch up with my head.”

Devin told her, “I know why I love you because you make me feel so comfortable and safe.” Jenn told Devin, “I try to get there with you every day,” and they kissed. Devin told the private cameras, “I want to hear Jenn tell me she loves me too.” Jenn told the private cameras, “With Devin, I might have a hard time accepting something good.”

In the second half, Devin and Jenn talked over dinner. Devin told her, “I’m very sure of my feelings for you.” Jenn told Devin, “You seem so good to be true that I almost want to run away from it. I know that’s not a healthy way to think about things. We have this familiarity and so much more. It seems unreal.”

Devin told Jenn, “I’m in love and ready to get engaged. I would love to call you my wife and I’m excited.” Jenn said, “I want you to know how grateful I am to have you. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me.” Jenn told the private cameras, “I hope to fall in love with Devin soon.” She gave him the ticket to the fantasy suite. They both agreed. Once there, they kissed on the bed until the cameras turned off.

We have footage of Jenn and Devin waking up together. They toasted at breakfast. Jenn told Devin, “I can definitely see a future with you,” and they kissed. Devin told the private cameras, “There’s no more love I can give without getting it back. If she turns around and says ‘I love you’ to someone else, I would be devastated.”

Next, we have footage from Jenn and Jonathon’s one-on-one date. They greeted each other with big hugs and kisses. They went out for Hawaiian snacks. They visited some local shops. At one point, they talked in front of a waterfall. They toasted and kissed. Then they went swimming, which led to more kissing.

During the second half of their date, they chatted a little more. Jenn told Jonathon, “Your family has given me more confidence in our relationship.” He told her, “The fact that they wanted to listen to you was incredible.”

She talked about her anxiety issues as a child and what she wants to teach her children. Jonathon was excited by what she had to say. He told her that he wanted to have a blended family and that he was falling in love with her. She gave him the ticket to the fantasy suite. They both agreed. So they went to the fantasy suite.

Jonathon told Private Cams, “I’m falling in love with Jenn. I have no doubt that Jenn is my person. I’m so in love.” Jenn told Private Cams, “Being with Jonathon is easy. I’ve always felt like I can be myself with him. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for.”

Next we have footage of Jenn and Jonathon waking up together. Jenn said to Jonathon, “I can’t believe I’ve been in bed with Mommy since night one.” They had a good laugh about it. They also toasted at breakfast.

Meanwhile, Devin said on private cams: “I feel like I’ve given away love that I can’t get back. If she says ‘I love you’ to someone else, it would kill me inside.”

Marcus told host Jesse Palmer that he was excited to hear from Jenn about why she chose him this time and what exactly she thinks of him.

Next, we got footage of Marcus and Jenn’s one-on-one date. They greeted each other with hugs and kisses. They went on a boat ride and talked. She told him, “It was so much fun visiting your family. My feelings for you grew from it.” Marcus said, “I feel closer to you after this.” Then they went scuba diving.

During the second half of Jenn and Marcus’ date, Jenn told the private cameras, “I’m in love with Marcus. So he can’t hide how he feels about me.” They talked. He told her, “The last rose ceremony kind of got to me because I was the last one to be called.”

I realized that not every week is a walk in the park. I want to be sure about us and I believe we have so much potential. You are determined and ambitious. I have never met anyone like you. I am insecure and you deserve someone who is sure. It was hard for me to get to a place where I feel comfortable saying I am in love and that I am sorry.”

Marcus told the private cams, “I’m not in love with Jenn right now.” Jenn told Marcus, “Don’t apologize. You follow your heart. I believe there are many layers and stages to love and I would be lying if I didn’t say I’m in love with you. I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t tell you how I really feel.”

Marcus told her, “I’m trying.” She said, “I know you are, and I want to make it as easy as possible for you.” Marcus said, “You make me feel great, and that means the world to me. Even though I’m not there yet, I wouldn’t be sitting here with you if I didn’t believe it was possible. You deserve all the love in the world, and I’m trying to get there.”

Marcus told the private cams, “Jenn made me realize how important our relationship is to her.” They both agreed to go to the fantasy suite. Jenn told the private cams, “I’m in love with Marcus and I hope that by the end of the week he falls in love with me and wants to propose to me.”

Next, we got footage of them waking up in bed together. Marcus told the private cameras, “It was a magical feeling waking up next to Jenn. To hear Jenn say she loves me means the world to me. I just need to meet her where she is. I’m hopeful.”

Marcus told Jenn, “This date was very special to me and helped me with some of my doubts.” Jenn told the private cams, “It was so beautiful to wake up next to Marcus. I’m in love with him. I have hope for Marcus and me.”

After all of this, we have more footage of Devin telling the private cameras, “I love Jenn, but I feel like I’m waiting for something that I don’t know if it’s coming.” Devin spoke to host Jesse Parker and told him, “I don’t feel completely comfortable with this. I don’t feel like I’m getting the love back from Jenn. I don’t feel wanted or needed.”

I don’t feel like I’m the one. I need more from Jenn. I wish I could have said the things I wanted to say to Jenn. I held back.” Devin told the private cams, “I can’t go on. I can’t anymore.” So he went to talk to Jenn. Then we got the “to be continued” message.

Yes, we’ll see all of that either on next week’s Monday episode or on the new episode tomorrow night. We’re not sure because tomorrow night’s episode is supposed to be the Men Tell All edition, but we’ve seen in the past that they’ve shown date footage on an episode of Tell All. So we’ll just have to wait and see.

Alright, folks. That’s it for the latest recap of The Bachelorette TV show, but be sure to stay tuned for more.

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André Braddox
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