
Former Hollywood set designer uses creativity in local theater

Former Hollywood set designer uses creativity in local theater

BILOXI, Mississippi (WLOX) – A set designer’s “Coast Life” brings movie stage flair to a Biloxi theater.

“I’ve been working on this for over 40 years, doing set design and lighting,” said Tim Baker.

Baker spent most of these 40 years in Hollywood.

Baker worked as a set and lighting designer in Hollywood for nearly 40 years.
Baker worked as a set and lighting designer in Hollywood for nearly 40 years.(WLOX)

“I’ve built things for the Oscars, the Emmys and the Grammys,” Baker said.

Baker has designed and built sets for hundreds of films and shows, including “Entourage” and “Castle.”

“If the budget and time allow, I can do anything. If we need a giant helicopter to come down, we’ll find a way to make it happen,” Baker said. “I built a 40-foot tree for the Grammys, that was insane. It had to be 40 feet tall and about the same width, that’s a lot of steel, sculpture and foam with actors and stagehands around it. I’ve built some really big things.”

These projects entail major commitments.

“Working in film is really hard, the hours are crazy and the minimum day is 12 hours.”

After decades of those long work days and a life-threatening accident, Baker was looking for a slower pace. He reconnected with his college sweetheart and moved to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to be with her about five years ago.

It didn’t take long for him to discover a door that he could open and still use his special talents.

“I think I saw a show in one of my first weeks here and I’ve been the designer ever since.”

Baker’s creativity is evident in every production at the Center Stage Theater in Biloxi. It may not be Hollywood, but that doesn’t mean his creations are any less elaborate.

Baker's creativity is evident in every production at Center Stage Theatre in Biloxi.
Baker’s creativity is evident in every production at Center Stage Theatre in Biloxi.(WLOX)

“All the props have to be made as well, many of them are fake props, the knives have to squirt blood on the neck, the chair he sits on has to shoot through the floor. All the mechanics and welding have to be figured out in advance.”

Tim has returned from his work that has been seen all over the world to where it all began for him: a small local theater. That’s how he wants it.

“It’s just as creative and just as much fun, but the pressure is much less than in film production. In film production there’s a lot of screaming, whereas in the theater there’s almost none.”

When the curtain opens, Baker can sit back and enjoy what he has put together.
When the curtain opens, Baker can sit back and enjoy what he has put together.(WLOX)

Not only does he get to continue doing what he loves, but Baker also passes on his tricks, working with school productions and aspiring set builders.

“In film, you learn about all the modern materials and techniques. Bringing them here and using them in the theater is great fun.”

When the curtain opens, Baker can sit back and enjoy what he has put together.

“It’s just hard work. When you’re hammering, nailing and sanding all day, it’s not the most fun thing in the world. I love it when we get the finished set and the audience sees it for the first time and gasps. That’s always fun and makes all the work worthwhile.”

The set Baker is currently working on is for “Lend Me a Soprano.” It will be the first show of Center Stage’s 50th season. You can see it September 12-22.

For more information, visit the Center Stage Biloxi website.

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