
Life sentence for man who attacked four people and killed two in 2020 knife attacks at Carmichael Recovery Center

Life sentence for man who attacked four people and killed two in 2020 knife attacks at Carmichael Recovery Center

A Sacramento Superior Court judge sentenced a man to life in prison Thursday after a bloody stabbing at a Carmichael wellness center that left two people, including a blind intern, dead and two others seriously injured, prosecutors said.

Martin Lackey-Garcia, 44, was found guilty last month of two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder in connection with the February 2020 attack at the Wellness and Recovery Center. A jury also found there were special circumstances surrounding multiple killings, prosecutors said.

Lackey-Garcia had arrived at the center seeking help after his family called him after he told them he had been followed and his phone hacked, according to Lackey-Garcia’s opening statement. He represented himself in court.

On the day of the attack, the defendant traveled unannounced to meet with Elizabeth Waits, a rehabilitation counselor. But Lackey-Garcia became more aggressive during the meeting, prompting Waits to seek help from her colleagues, according to testimony.

A co-worker, Eileen Stanwick, came into the office to help, but Lackey-Garcia killed the 53-year-old by stabbing her at least six times and then turned his blade on receptionist Tracy Drake, who heard Stanwick’s screams and ran over, prosecutors said.

Drake suffered multiple stab wounds, resulting in broken ribs and a collapsed lung, when Lackey-Garcia launched his attack. Another employee, 57-year-old blind Paul McIntyre, rushed over with his cane to help as well.

But Lackey-Garcia stabbed McIntyre. He died at the scene, prosecutors said.

Lackey-Garcia chased center Charles McLellan outside before inflicting a deep cut on his forearm. McLellan lost some function in his hand, according to an earlier report in the Sacramento Bee.

Lackey-Garcia was being held at the downtown jail on Friday while awaiting transfer to state prison.

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