
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is exactly what fans want – a fanatically faithful remake where not a hair is out of place

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is exactly what fans want – a fanatically faithful remake where not a hair is out of place

Metal Gear Solid Delta is Metal Gear Solid 3. “What a revelation,” you think, “I can’t believe this remake is so similar to the game it’s remaking.”

But no, really, hear me out. Delta isn’t MGS3 in the way that the Silent Hill 2 remake is Silent Hill 2, or the way Final Fantasy 7 remake is FF7. After spending an hour and a half with it, I can say that this thing is a shot-for-shot, meticulously detailed recreation of the original PS2 masterpiece, which I consider to be one of the best video games of all time. Konami doesn’t seem to have taken any liberties with the classic.

(Image credit: Konami)

Close your eyes and imagine MGS3 in the brilliant Unreal Engine 5 and you’ve already had 95% of the experience I saw in my hands-on demo. Aside from a few mechanics from MGS5 and a few quality of life features, this is the game as it was, in a brand new package. With Hideo Kojima long gone from Konami and trust in the company in short supply, I think this is exactly what fans are looking for, even if I have a few philosophical doubts about the value of a remake that sticks so single-mindedly to the original.

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