
Experience the first day of public schools in Delaware

Experience the first day of public schools in Delaware


Did you get your school supplies? Done!

Did you get new school clothes?

Ready to send your kids back to school for the new school year? Oh yeah, that’s a big check.

The last week of August has begun and Labor Day is just around the corner next weekend. It’s time for the kids to go back to school.

What to do if you see a school bus: What to do and not to do when driving near school buses in Delaware, according to state law

Which schools in Delaware are starting school again before Labor Day?


Red clay consolidates

Monday is the first day of school for Red Clay’s Early Years Program, kindergarteners with last name AL, grades 1-6, and high school freshmen. On Tuesday, those same kindergarteners report along with all other students. On Wednesday and Thursday, the other half of the kindergarteners with last name MZ report instead, making it a split week for kindergarten.

After such a busy first week back in the classroom, students can look forward to no classes on Friday and Monday.

Colonial style

Monday is the first day for kindergarteners with the last name AL, grades 1 through 6, and high school freshmen, as Colonial is doing a staggered start. Then on Tuesday, seventh and eighth graders will be welcomed in addition to sophomores and seniors. The rest of the kindergarten class should arrive by Wednesday, followed by all preschoolers on September 3.


On Monday, ninth graders will be welcomed to the Laurel School District, and the next day, all students in preschool through high school across the Sussex County school system will begin school.


This Monday is the first day of school for all students at POLYTECH High School.


Monday is Day 1 for preschool, kindergarten, third, sixth and ninth graders. All students should report to Seaford by the following Tuesday, August 27.


Students in grades one through six, high school freshmen, and kindergarten (Group A) will have their first day of school in Woodbridge on Monday. The next day, seventh and eighth graders will attend classes with the rest of the high school students. On Wednesday, August 28, the second half of the kindergarten students will arrive.


Brandy wine

Monday is the first day of school for grades 1-6 and high school freshmen and seniors, according to the district calendar. It also serves as orientation day for kindergarten, but times vary from school to school. The following day, Wednesday, August 28, all K-12 students report to school.


On Tuesday, there will be a “transition day” for kindergarten, first and sixth graders, and high school freshmen. The next day, August 30, the school day begins in Milford for grades K-12.

New Castle County Vocational School

The first week of school at Vo-Tech will be staggered, beginning on the last Tuesday in August. Students will then have no classes on Friday, September 1st, before all students are back in school on Tuesday, September 5th.

Sussex Technical

For the Sussex County Vocational Technical School District, the doors will open for freshmen only on Friday, August 23. And all other high school students can join the ranks the following Tuesday, August 27, once they are settled in.



Lake Forest will host a half-day “Transition Day” for kindergarten, fourth, sixth, and early high school students on Thursday, August 29. The following week, the first day of school for all grades will be Tuesday, September 3.

Which schools in Delaware will reopen after Labor Day?

3 September


On the first Tuesday in September, Appo’s first through ninth graders are welcomed along with kindergarteners with the last name AL. The next half of kindergarten and the rest of high school join by Wednesday, followed by all of preschool on Thursday.

Caesar Rodney

Tuesday is the first day of school for the students at Caesar Rodney.

Capital city

This Tuesday is also the first day of school for Capital’s preschoolers through ninth graders. The rest of the high school students will start school a day later and begin school on Wednesday.


On Tuesday, Christina’s grades 1-6 will be welcomed along with the high school freshmen and there will be an orientation for kindergarten. The first day of school for the rest of K-12 is the next day.


The school year begins in Delmar on Tuesday for fifth and ninth graders. All classes must register by Wednesday, September 4th.

Indian River

Kindergarten, sixth and ninth grades begin the school year in Indian River on Tuesday, along with Howard T. Ennis School. The first day for the rest of grades K-12 is Wednesday. Preschool begins the following Tuesday, September 11.


This first Tuesday in September is the first day of school for K-12 students in Smyrna, although second, third, and fourth grade students are asynchronous. The remaining students report the next day.

4 September

Cape Henlopen

According to the school calendar, Wednesday is the first day that students will return to school in Cape Henlopen.

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