


Hi Ethan, thanks for joining us in the virtual RGM lounge today!

No problem, thanks for this opportunity!

How did you decide that music was right for you?

When Covid hit, I started using music as a hobby to distract myself. The more music I listened to and made, the more I knew this was what I wanted to do.

Introduce yourself and your musical career to us.

I actually had no experience of live instruments growing up or any musical training at all. In sixth form I started studying music and now at university I’m pursuing a degree in music technology so I can (hopefully) have a career in the industry!

What’s the live music scene like in Bath at the moment? Is there anyone we should be looking out for (apart from you, of course)

I live in Bath and the city has seen better days. There are still some good venues and artists but since one of the more well known clubs (Moles) closed it’s not as important. Luckily I live near Bristol which has a huge and thriving music scene. A live band I can highly recommend is “@bluerayband” they make great music and are even better live.

I’ve seen a lot of people fighting for support online lately. What’s your opinion on the industry?

I think the industry has reached a point where it’s completely saturated and there are so many voices screaming for attention that it’s hard to find good music and grow as an artist. Of course, there’s a lot more money and effort invested today, which is absolutely a good thing, but it’s brutal and it’s no longer enough to just be a “musician” – you have to be a graphic designer, social media guru and PR agent all rolled into one.

Where do you think you currently stand in the music industry?

Honestly, probably at the bottom. I’m part of a niche group whose music isn’t considered mainstream at all, but for people who like that sound, I think I make good music.

Tell us two truths and one lie about you.

I am related to Susan Boyle, a Swindon Town FC fan and my cat is called Doctor Luther von Purr.

Tell us something about yourself that you think people would be surprised to know.

I am actually NOT an alcoholic as some people may think.

What next steps do you plan to take to reach the next level?

Honestly, just put out more music. I don’t plan on releasing an album for now – that would break the musical flow and take away any creativity after that. Just an open-ended single release for now and then, once I’ve built a platform, release something really incredible.

What can you tell us about the upcoming project?

Well, I don’t want to give too much away. But what I can say is that it will be a concept album. And as for the story, who knows!

Interesting! What was the creative process like for the latest song?

I usually spend very little time over the course of a month actually writing the song, and this was no different. I had the core of the three sections created in about a week, then spent another month refining it and giving each part an original and unique feel. As usual, it was quite exhausting, but I’m very happy with the final product!

What was the biggest learning process when writing the new melodies?

I try to create something that sounds really good! I tend to make demos that I think sound cool but would never work as a single. The hard part is finding the balance between listenability and uniqueness and I think with the last few singles I’ve really nailed that sound. I’ve started getting into cinematography and directing music videos too, so that’s something to keep in mind too!

Would you change anything now that it’s finished?

No. I only release something when I’m really sure it’s finished and I don’t have anything else to add. I used to rush things too much – when I started, I released about 7 albums a year? Of course, none of that is public now!

Is there anything else you would like to share with the world?

Keep streaming “Hole in the Clouds” and follow my damn Instagram!! Thanks!



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