
Letter: Can’t we bring back the old Rob Port? – Grand Forks Herald

Letter: Can’t we bring back the old Rob Port? – Grand Forks Herald

To the editors,

I miss the old Rob Port. The Rob who started the Say Anything blog. The Tea Party Rob. The “libertarian conservative.”

The Rob who would have doggedly followed and reported on the Wayne Stenehjem email debacle to the bitter end, even if it embarrassed respected Republicans.

The Rob who didn’t want to write an article apologizing for himself and state lawmakers, including Grand Forks Sen. Scott Meyer, for talking politics with Holmberg when it was clear to most they shouldn’t.

The Rob who wouldn’t believe the news that Holmberg has repeatedly violated the terms of his pre-trial release without fear of consequences.

The Rob who would have asked Holmberg’s friends and colleagues: “Who knew or even suspected and when?”

The Rob who long ago would have reported on and researched Holmberg’s long career in the Grand Forks School District, where he spent much of his work with at-risk children as a counselor.

I’ve looked forward to every article from this Rob because the Grand Forks Herald, the Fargo Forum and the rest of the state’s media often drag their feet or simply ignore stories that embarrass established politicians. Old Rob always reported the ugly truth. Now you’re obsessed with a bogeyman who lives 1,500 miles away. Meanwhile, the FCC reports the Holmberg story sporadically, only when other outlets force them to acknowledge it.

If you ever see old Rob Port, tell him he did a great job and that North Dakota could use him today. If (as I fear) he’s gone, bow low and thank the FCC for the paychecks. They earned them.

Mike Schmidt
Grafton, North Dakota

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