
Greenfield Recorder – “A gem of an event”: Annual Hawley Day takes place on Sunday

Greenfield Recorder – “A gem of an event”: Annual Hawley Day takes place on Sunday

Charlemont folk and bluegrass band Small Change will perform at the 2023 Hawley Day celebration. The annual event will return on Sunday, August 11.

Charlemont folk and bluegrass band Small Change will perform at the 2023 Hawley Day celebration. The annual event will return on Sunday, August 11.

HAWLEY — The Sons and Daughters of Hawley welcome attendees to the annual Hawley Day gathering on Sunday, August 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The event is “kind of a mishmash of things,” as Tinky Weisblat, Hawley’s administrative assistant, describes it. It includes the annual election of officers of the Sons and Daughters of Hawley, a memorial service for members who died in the past year, luncheons, games and tours of the city’s historic sites.

“This is truly a gem of an event and I wish more people from the city would go,” she said.

Hawley Day was created by the Sons and Daughters of Hawley, the town’s historical society, to celebrate their roots in the town. According to Weisblat, Hawley reached its peak population in the late 1880s. By the 1900s, many people had moved to Northampton and other surrounding communities and wanted to remember their days in Hawley.

“They thought back on their time here and what a wonderful place to live Hawley is, so they decided to come back for a day and that became an annual tradition,” Weisblat said of the event’s early years.

Hawley Day begins promptly at 10 a.m. with coffee and the annual meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Hawley. A memorial service is held, followed by lunch.

Weisblat said the family with the most members in attendance will get to take credit. Families don’t have to have historical ties to the town – they could have recently moved to Hawley – as long as they show up and show off their town spirit.

This year’s Hawley Day will also celebrate the Cox family for their 101st anniversary in the city. Weisblat said family members will turn out in droves and that they may win the family census.

After lunch, typical family reunion field games are offered and tours of the Sons and Daughters of Hawley archives are offered. The day ends with a performance of the Hawley town song.

Hawley Day is held at the East Hawley Meetinghouse near the intersection of Buckland Road and East Hawley Road. Weisblat advised, “Just drive up Hawley Road and you can’t miss it.”

Reach Madison Schofield at 413-930-4579 or [email protected].

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