
GreedFall 2: The Dying World raises expectations with Early Access trailer

GreedFall 2: The Dying World raises expectations with Early Access trailer

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With the Early Access launch of GreedFall 2: The Dying World Next month, developer Spiders and publisher Nacon released a new trailer at Gamescom detailing what to expect. Although this game is a sequel to the original, GreedFallThe game takes place three years before the events of the first part. The overview trailer shows the story as well as the new tactical combat.

Meet new friends as you explore the continent of Gacane in the overview trailer below:

For more information, see the following description of the game on the Spiders website:

The story begins three years before the events of the first game and the adventures of De Sardet.

This time, you play as a native of Teer Fradee, forcibly removed from his island and taken to the continent of Gacane, where the colonists come from. In this ancient world ravaged by war and scarred by the Malichor plague and the political intrigues of the various factions, you must regain your freedom and control of your own destiny. Using diplomacy, cunning, or combat, as well as the help of allies you gain, it is up to you to end one man’s ambitions of conquest that could mean the end of the continent and your island.

Relive the unique world of GreedFall by exploring the Old Continent! Travel through new landscapes, from Olima – the Bridge Alliance’s City of Stars – to the shores of Uxantis, and uncover the secrets of these ancient lands. Meet all the factions that share control of these nations and navigate the treacherous waters of their plans and conspiracies.

Create your own character and find allies for your team. Help them in their tasks, uncover their secrets and make them your friends, rivals or even lovers. Not only can you equip them as you wish, but you can also take control of them in battle.

Immerse yourself in an increasingly intense RPG experience where every decision impacts your adventure and diplomacy, manipulation, infiltration and combat are all viable ways for you to achieve your goals.

GreedFall 2: The Dying World gallery

GreedFall 2: The Dying World will be released on Steam Early Access on September 24th. The game will later be available for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Stay tuned to RPGFan as we get closer to GreedFall 2‘s release! In the meantime, you can read Audra Bowling’s review of the first game to see if you’re interested in the series!

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