
Two dogs suffer life-threatening injuries in kennel; their owner wants answers | News, Sports, Jobs

Two dogs suffer life-threatening injuries in kennel; their owner wants answers | News, Sports, Jobs

Pebble and Rock, two Yorkies who suffered unexplained injuries at a local kennel, want answers from their owners.

Kathy Christie and her partner Pat Yohe are heartbroken following the tragic loss of two of their beloved dogs, Pebble and Rock.

They say the dogs died while in the care of a local animal shelter.

According to Christie, all three of her dogs – two Yorkies named Rock and Pebbles and a Rottweiler named Angel – were boarded at the facility prior to this incident, and the parties had agreed that Rock and Pebbles would not be rehomed with anyone other than Angel.

Christie’s son-in-law dropped off the three dogs at 11 a.m. on August 2 before they left for a family vacation. Christie said they returned from vacation early and contacted the owner to pick up the dogs earlier than planned on August 9. The owner agreed.

According to Christie, she texted the kennel owner to ask what the total bill for boarding was while Yohe drove to the kennel to pick up the dogs.

Christie said she received a call from the owner instead of a text message. “He told me he ‘went to the back to check on the little ones and they were gone.'”

Yohe said: “When we arrived, he was walking past the campers from the back or side of the building. He went into the building and said, ‘They were in the game room, just with Angel.'”

Christie continued: “He led us into the kennels and to the back where my fur babies were in their beds. He opened the kennel where the Yorkies were and gave me Pebbles. He gave Pat Rock. I cried and got Angel out of the kennel where she was next to them and said, ‘Let me out of here.'”

Christie said it was only when she got into the car that she realized Pebbles had been attacked and that the dog had blood and puncture wounds on its stomach and neck.

“I thought they both died in their sleep. They were 14 and 12 years old. I don’t know how I didn’t notice.” said Christie

Yohe said he “I put money on the counter and followed Kathy to the car where Rock was sitting. I opened the back door for Angel, who was already trying to jump in. Angel got in and I closed the door and got in the driver’s seat.”

According to the couple, the kennel owner opened the passenger door, reached in and threw the money into the vehicle.

Yohe said: “I took the money, got out, walked around the car and threw the money into the flowerpot that was outside.”

Christie’s daughter, Julie Byers, tried to get answers about her mother’s dogs and the attack.

“I left…after I heard from my mom that her Yorkies had been attacked.”

Byers said: “The owner’s wife was the first person I spoke to. My first statement was, ‘I’m here to get answers.’ Then I received a strange response: ‘We would like answers too.'”

I asked to see the playroom where it supposedly happened. How could there be no sign of what happened so soon after?

Why were four makeshift kennels for five dogs set up in the playroom where this tragic event occurred? They took me outside so we could continue talking.

“The owner claimed Rock and Pebbles were in the 10′ x 10′ enclosure and Angel was running around freely outside. When it started to rain, he took Pebbles and Rock into the playroom. Angel wanted to go in, so he let them in.”

“Ten minutes later he went back to check on them and they were gone. I said: “So you’re telling me you sent my mom home with the dog that killed her other two dogs and you’re okay with that?“Whereup I was met with a stare. I said: “It can’t have been Angel; what happened?”

He still could not answer more than “I don’t know.”

Byers also said: “While we were talking, he couldn’t even maintain eye contact with me.”

The couple notified Pennsylvania State Police, who determined that the incident did not constitute a criminal complaint.

Christie says Angel continues to search for her “little brothers” and is obviously grieving.

“It can’t have been Angel; they have all lived together for seven years and there has never been any aggression; she misses them and continues to search for them every day.”

The kennel owners issued the following statement: On behalf of Hounds on the Hill Pet Lodge, we would like to extend our sincere condolences to the Christie family on the loss of their two Yorkies while in our care. At the time of the incident, the Yorkies were in a closed, isolated indoor play area with only the family’s third dog. When we went to collect the animals and their belongings for checkout, it was discovered that the two Yorkies had been killed. At no time during this or previous stays were the Yorkies housed in our general population with other dogs. The only dog ​​the Yorkies came into contact with was the family’s third dog. We are deeply saddened by this incident and once again extend our sincere condolences.”

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