
Is it healthy to drink a beer every day?

Is it healthy to drink a beer every day?

When it comes to alcoholic beverages with health benefits, it is usually red wine that gets all the attention. But what about the health benefits of beer? Humans have been drinking beer in some form since the Stone Age. It can’t be all bad for us, can it?

Some Research has shown that moderate beer consumption can improve heart health, particularly by increasing good cholesterol in the blood, explains Destini Moody, RD, founder of The Athlete’s Dietitian and expert on the panel of Garage Gym Reviews(Incidentally, moderate beer consumption is one beer per day for women and two beers per day for men.)

But it’s important to weigh this carefully, because excessive alcohol consumption at “moderate” levels negates these health benefits and can expose you to the negative effects of alcohol, says Moody, including the risk of cancer, weight gain and liver disease.

Wondering if it’s healthy to open a can of beer every night with dinner or pour yourself a pint after work? Here’s what registered dietitians have to say about the health benefits and drawbacks of beer.

Is it healthy to drink a beer every day?

Drinking a beer a day can be part of a balanced lifestyle, but moderation is key, says nutritionist René Ficek, RD and owner of Healthy Eating in Seattle Sutton.

For most adults, moderate alcohol consumption is considered to be a maximum of one drink per day for women and a maximum of two drinks per day for men.

“Moderate consumption of beer can be part of a healthy diet, but daily consumption is not recommended for everyone, especially for people with certain medical conditions or people taking medications that interact with alcohol,” says Ficek.

Moody says she wouldn’t go so far as to say that a daily beer is healthy. While there are some studies that show that moderate beer consumption has some health benefits, it’s not exactly a healthy habit, especially considering that alcohol has no nutritional value.

“While drinking a beer every day isn’t necessarily bad for your health, it doesn’t do much to improve your health that can’t be achieved by eating a few extra vegetables,” she says.

Friends toasting during the party. The hands of man and woman hold drinks they enjoy in the restaurantPinterest


Does beer have health benefits?

Beer, especially certain types like darker ales and stouts, can offer some benefits, Ficek says.

That’s because it contains antioxidants like polyphenols, mainly from hops and grains, which may protect against heart disease, she explains. Beer also contains small amounts of B vitamins, minerals (such as magnesium and potassium) and dietary silicon, which is linked to bone health.

What health concerns are there with drinking beer daily?

According to nutritionists, regular consumption of beer can increase the risk of various health problems.

Over time, even moderate alcohol consumption can lead to an increased risk of certain cancers (such as breast and colon cancer), high blood pressure and weight gain due to the extra calories, Ficek says. Daily drinking can also interfere with sleep and contribute to dehydration if you don’t drink enough water.

Of course, alcohol dependence can also be a problem if you have difficulty limiting the number of alcoholic drinks you drink, according to the Mayo Clinic.

A man pours beer into a glass in a Brazilian barPinterest

Jon Hicks

Which types of beer are the healthiest?

Beers with lower alcohol content and less added sugar are generally the better choice, says Ficek.

Light beers tend to be lower in calories and alcohol, which means the potential negative health effects are lower. Beers brewed with minimal additives and more natural ingredients can also be slightly healthier, she says.

Craft beers with more natural brewing processes and higher polyphenol contents, such as certain ales and stouts, may offer slight antioxidant benefits.

And there’s another thing to consider: Moody points out that research into the potential health benefits of alcohol has been based on drinks with an alcohol content of 5% ABV or less, and that some beers have higher alcohol content.

“Considering the negative and inflammatory effects of alcohol on the entire body, it makes sense that beers with lower alcohol content are less harmful than stronger beers,” she says.

Are there any benefits to drinking beer after a workout?

Many marathon runners open a can of beer at the end of a race and hikers enjoy a cold beer at the summit. But are there any benefits to drinking beer after training?

After intense exercise, the main focus should be on rehydration, replenishing electrolytes and consuming proteins and carbohydrates to aid recovery, says Ficek.

“While a cold beer can be pleasant, it is not the most effective recovery drink,” she says. “Beer is a diuretic and can contribute to dehydration.”

In moderation, a post-workout beer can provide a small amount of carbohydrates and even some antioxidants, she says, but be sure to balance your brew with plenty of fluids and a recovery meal.

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