
Signs destroyed at LGBT Life Center in Norfolk

Signs destroyed at LGBT Life Center in Norfolk

NORFOLK, Virginia – Signs outside the LGBT Life Center in Norfolk were damaged Wednesday, the center reported.

The signs were written in black marker with the words “F*** LGBTQ” and “F*** LGBTBBQ+P”.

“This vandalism is a clear sign of the fear and intolerance that still exists in our society,” said Stacie Walls, CEO of the LGBT Life Center. “But one thing is clear: While a sign can be damaged, the spirit of our community cannot be broken.”

See also: Pride banner stolen from Norfolk church, signs destroyed

Church in Norfolk vandalised with hate messages

The center also reports that it regularly receives death threats and has had to upgrade security measures at its Hampton facility to include bulletproof glass.

A 2023 crime analysis released this month by the Virginia State Police found that hate crimes in the state increased by nearly 50% compared to 2022. The report did not specify which groups the hate crimes were committed against.

Watch: Construction begins on LGBT Life Center in Hampton

Construction begins on the $1.8 million LGBT Life Center in Hampton

In June – Pride Month – LGBTQ+ signs outside a church in the Norfolk district of Ghent were defaced with the words “Pride is a sin” – another with rainbow flags was stolen.

But Walls said they would use this as an opportunity to mobilize community support for their mission. He concluded, “No act of hate will stop us from creating a world where everyone is accepted and valued for who they are.”

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