
Changing your health with Tight 4 Life ambassador Manny Gilmer

Changing your health with Tight 4 Life ambassador Manny Gilmer

Manny Gilmer has been a dedicated hair professional for over 30 years and shares his hair coloring expertise as an instructor for the renowned brand Chi/Biosilk. In addition to transforming hair at Lety’s Cuts and Styles in Lincoln Park, Michigan, Gilmer also pursues his passion for beauty and health. Outside of the salon, he enjoys singing, roller skating, swimming, and various outdoor activities. After smoking cigarettes for over 20 years, Gilmer quit 11 years ago when his voice began to suffer. His resilience was demonstrated when he battled cancer and emerged victorious three years ago. Today, Gilmer is a Tight 4 Life ambassador committed to improving health in his community and is an advocate for smoking cessation and a healthier lifestyle.

Munson Ross: Welcome to Health IQ, where we raise the IQ of our community by giving you access to individuals who are improving health outcomes in our community. There is a phenomenal program called Tight 4 Life. Tight 4 Life has many ways we can become a tight-knit community and save lives in our community through the use of ambassadors. Today I have with me a phenomenal style and beauty ambassador, my dearest Manny Gilmer. How are you?

Manny Gilmer: I’m fine how are you?

MS: I’m phenomenal. As a Tight 4 Life ambassador, can you tell us why and how you decided to join such a phenomenal program as Tight 4 Life?

MG: Absolutely. I was a smoker for about 20 years. For some reason, I decided to quit. I consulted my doctor and he prescribed Chantix, which helped me. So I believe smoking is a terrible habit. Also, I feel much better after I quit. My aunt introduced this program and I thought, “Yes, I’m in. Yes, I’ll be an ambassador.” I would absolutely love that because it’s my way of giving back to my community.

MS: When you think about being an ambassador in the community, how important is it for us to have a Tight 4 Life program where we can be community whisperers when it comes to stopping some health issues like smoking and lack of exercise? Why is that important?

MG: That’s critical because when you’re healthy, you’re wealthy. I was diagnosed with cancer three years ago, and I thought I had the best team. My aunt is a doctor, and she was instrumental in getting me care. She worked at Henry Ford Hospital downtown, and she knew all the right people to connect with. The cancer is gone. That was three years ago. And I’m a big believer that our brothers and sisters need to focus on their health, be active, and thrive in the community. I’m a big proponent of testing like colonoscopies, diabetes, lung cancer. All of that is terrible. If you stay healthy, you can stay wealthy. You know what I mean? You can work and make a living.

MS: This is beautiful. Why do people trust beauticians, stylists and hairdressers so much that they share their secrets with you, their daily routine and even some of their health challenges? Why do they do this? And how do you share it with them and make them feel like they are not alone on this journey?

MG: Yes. When I started in this industry 30 years ago, I was told we had a license to touch. And that’s what we do every day: we touch them. We talk to them. We are their shrinks, so to speak. When you sit in the chair, they feel comfortable talking. It’s relaxing when you get your head washed and you sit back in the chair. Hairdressers, we talk to people and they become friends with us. Yes, and they trust us. It’s always been that way. And I think hopefully it will always be that way because we have a license to touch.

MS: I like that. The permission to touch. The whole idea of ​​becoming a tight-knit community, like with Tight 4 Life and outreach: How do you engage with some of your clients and friends to help them have a better outcome in quitting smoking?

MG: Wow! I’ll say something like, “Do you smoke?” And they say, “Yes, no, maybe.” And if they say yes, I ask, “How do you feel about quitting?” And they either say, “I want to quit. I’ve been a long-time smoker and I’m ready to quit.” Or they say, “No, I’m not ready to quit.” And then I present the brochure. And I say, “Did you know that there are all kinds of free programs in Michigan to help you quit?” And they say, “No, I didn’t know that.” And I say, “Well, here, check this out.” If they’re ready to quit, they’re interested, you know, but if not, then we’ll talk about something else.

MS: There are other ways to promote health. Tight 4 Life brings the community together with trusted voices like you. How do you suggest that other stylists, other people in the image industry like yourself, start sharing more ideas about how our community can become healthier in general?

MG: Well, I ask, “Have you had a colonoscopy?” Because that’s a crucial test that can detect colon cancer right away. I’ve had a few. I tell all my cousins ​​and my aunts and uncles to get a colonoscopy because you never know. That way you can catch it early and that way you lower the risk. You know what I mean?

MS: I do. Exercise, sleep, all these things that we’re not encouraged to do, for you as an aesthetician, stylist and image maker, is that something that we need to embrace now as we communicate to our community how important even basic things like sleep are?

MG: Yes, 6 to 8 hours of sleep is good, and even a walk around the block is good because that’s exercise. It’s cardio. Walking is fantastic because it’s a form of exercise and it’s cardio exercise. I love swimming. If I could go to a pool every day, I would be in a pool every day. If I had one in my backyard, I would be in it every day in the summer. I just love being in the water. I have friends who have pools, and I also go to Romulus Health Athletic Center. They have a lazy river that I often go to on my days off. I think health is just as important as exercise because it gets the heart pumping, and the heart pumps the blood and nourishes the hair. Hair is nourished by the blood, and the more exercise you have, the faster your hair will grow.

MS: I think that’s great. And finally, nutrition obviously plays a role in how we can stay healthy.

MG: Well, my colleagues and I were just talking about our diet and our exercise. There’s salt in everything. Salt, iodine, all that stuff raises blood pressure. But nowadays it’s put in food to preserve it, to make it last longer. Personally, I like to cook at home. I don’t eat fast food. I don’t go to McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s or anything like that. I prefer to go across the street to the restaurant and eat there, or to the Chinese across the street or the sandwich shop down the street. I don’t eat that much salt, and I don’t salt my food when I cook. I think it’s a healthier way of life, to cook your own food, because you know the spices and ingredients you’re putting in it. Do you understand me?

MS: I do. Well, Manny, I just want to thank you for being an ambassador for Tight 4 Life, a community leader and being able to spread a message to raise the health IQ of our community. Thank you for all that you do to make a difference. Thank you for sharing this with us and being vulnerable enough to talk about it and congratulations for being a survivor who really didn’t hide behind the fact that he went through that moment but showed how with the care, compassion and support of your aunt, we can all make a difference when we come together and bring our shared life experience to heal and help our community. I’m Munson Steed here at Health IQ with Manny Gilmer. Thank you, Manny.

MG: Absolutely. Thanks, Munson.

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