
The lines between fact and fiction are blurring… That’s why you should question the narrative

The lines between fact and fiction are blurring… That’s why you should question the narrative

I am convinced that we are at a critical point where we absolutely have to give up the tricks that are being presented to us.

They’re playing with us. Almost everything in our news cycle is questionable. The lines between fact and fiction are blurred. What our politicians and the mainstream media sell as truth is often misinformation… and what is actually true is vilified as misinformation. Moreover, attention spans have shortened so much that even when the truth is hard to cover up, the population can be distracted with a barrage of information that has nothing to do with the problematic issue. For example, who asks the question: Where is Epstein’s client list? It’s only been a few weeks since Trump was shot, and hardly anyone cares anymore.

In this never-ending, exhausting stream of “information,” the brain becomes fatigued and the lack of emotion increases, with logic taking a back seat. It is much easier to be emotional than logical. This plays into the hands of our “elites” in particular, who disguise their greed as a virtue.

Reality has been replaced by false messages and images, making it impossible to distinguish between fact and fiction. And as a result, everyone argues through the prism of their own confirmation bias and ideological impulses.

We are governed by a nefarious group of individuals who have an insatiable thirst for power, control, and money. They don’t care what they have to do to get it – and that includes deceiving people by making them believe they are the virtuous good guys who are here to protect us all. And tragically, millions of people are falling for it. What we have witnessed with the COVID response, the war in Ukraine, the net-zero climate change agenda, and many other current issues is a movement of false virtue, carefully constructed by corrupt politicians, messengers in traditional media, greedy corporations, messiah-delusional billionaires, and undemocratic technocrats to give the impression that they are the virtuous ones who are our friends.

These people are not our friends. Their main goal is to deceive us into believing in and following their virtue, while in reality they are being tricked into giving these virtue vultures more freedom, power, wealth and possessions.

The reality is that we are sleepwalking towards the greatest wealth theft in the history of the planet. They are trying to destroy farms, land, businesses, freedoms, housing, personal wealth and travel and either own them or sell them to the highest bidder. And at the same time they are trying to force society into the trap of data control – whether through health passports or the slow expansion of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). It is a massive wealth theft of what we own and control. Of course, they are presenting all of this as if it is in our best interests. But make no mistake – it is the biggest hoax ever.

This gigantic moral fraud is also coupled with a large dose of authoritarianism. Anyone who sees through it, questions it, rebels against it, or shows resistance to it is immediately ridiculed and ostracized by the groupthink mob.

Do you question the COVID response? You are a “Covidiot.”
Questioning the Ukraine war? Fuck off, you Putin supporter.
Questioning the Israeli war against the Palestinians? Anti-Semitic!
Question about net zero? You must be a far-right climate change denier!

This is gutter politics, designed to silence and undermine any opposition or questioning. It works if you allow them to engage you emotionally. Don’t fall for it! But not challenging the narrative is a tremendous form of denial. Because any government, technocrat or institution that advocates medical discrimination, suppression of civil liberties, and a redistribution of wealth and public assets to the rich while the rest of society suffers a cost of living crisis is not your friend.

Don’t be fooled by their virtuousness. It’s a huge scam! In reality, they are engaging in massive wealth theft. They treat the world like a feudalism, but under the guise of a false virtue like “it’s for your own good” or “safety.” A Machiavellian weapon used by power-hungry sociopaths to control.

The false virtues propagated by governments and authorities to subjugate the masses and ensure social control are the oldest tricks in the book of authoritarian regimes. Don’t fall for it. Because when totalitarianism takes hold, it will come cloaked in false virtues.

And now we have not only Venezuela but Bangladesh, and that brings me to US foreign policy, which is a huge Ponzi scheme.

A Ponzi scheme

Here’s how it works in six steps…

  • Buy foreign leaders who are willing to sell their people and provide cheap resources/labor to the empire.
  • If politicians refuse, they will be subject to sanctions and thousands will be murdered.

  • They use the consequences of devastating sanctions as “proof” that their regimes are bad for the population.
  • Fund fascist “revolutions” over and over again until a new leader emerges who betrays his people to the Empire.
  • Meanwhile, this is funded by the taxpayers of the empire. In addition, these parasites take videos and photos of the dying, impoverished people who are dying and becoming impoverished because of the actions of these parasites… and beg you for alms to help these unfortunate people.
  • Start proxy wars if none of the above measures work. These proxy wars lead to refugee crises that flood Western countries, destroying the homogeneity of nation states and weakening them.

It is merely a hollow, superficial criminal gang posing as a society that cares only about one thing: the constant increase of its power and wealth at the expense of everything else.

Editor’s note: The Western system is undergoing profound changes and the signs of moral decay, corruption and rising debt are impossible to ignore. As the Great Reset gets underway, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the IMF, the WHO, the World Bank and the man from Davos are promoting a unified agenda that will affect us all.

To get ahead of the chaos, download our free PDF report, Battle of the Systems: Thoughts on Investing at a Unique Moment, here.

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