
ClubMX continues to produce amazing PRs and their latest edition is a must

ClubMX continues to produce amazing PRs and their latest edition is a must

Slaw, like most here at Vurb, doesn’t take things too seriously in this sport. As Daniel Blair said recently on the Squad Pod with Troy Dog (I’ll get into that nonsense another time. Troy, NOT Daniel, that is), we are the best, smartest, funniest media team he’s ever worked with. OK, he didn’t quite say that, but it was close.

This sport needs to take its stick out of its ass from time to time and we here at Vurb are trying to help remove that stick. We race dirt bikes, we don’t cure cancer. Let’s all relax, OK?

Mike B from ClubMX should be writing PRs for Vurb. He is a master of his craft. A true wordsmith. He likes to poke fun at things, actually tells us what’s going on, and his pre and post race reports should be the bible for PR people in the industry.

RELATED: Muc-Off/ClubMX Yamaha just released a fantastic report ahead of San Diego and you have to read it

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His latest for the upcoming Ironman National is another gem.

In fact, Devin Simonson was recently added to the Budds Creek roster after the team and Garrett Marchbanks parted ways. Pulp Hockey recently went on a good rant about Simonson getting a chance on the team that is worth listening to.

Devin got his chance last weekend but things didn’t go so well. He failed to qualify for the races but got a reserve spot in the second race and finished 28th. Not a bad performance for his first race of the season.

Mike B, being Mike B, wrote a funny press release announcing that Devin will also be joining the Ironman team.

DEVIN SIMONSON #91: Apparently the Budds Creek qualifier course was a little muddy and Devin didn’t get right into the race. He lined up for the LCQ and could have finished in the top four, but tipped over three times, dropping him to sixth. That’s when I deleted his name from my phone. Later in the day he was able to run as a substitute for the second moto and actually finished twenty-eighth – not bad. When he called on Monday asking for help registering for Ironman, I didn’t know who it was. (He was insulted that I deleted him.) Somehow he managed to convince Brandon to try Ironman again and he agreed. (Insert head-banging emoji here.) I spent quite a bit of time on the practice course on Tuesday and Wednesday trying to “motivate” him to do better this weekend. We’ll find out on Saturday if my “methods” were effective. Devin is a good kid and like Tom Brady running onto the field in 2001 when Drew Bledsoe went down – it’s time to show what you can do!!!

Before you start making comments about how a PR shouldn’t be written this way, stop, pull the stick out of your butt, and move on with your day.

Main image: Pro Motocross

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