
Jon Bon Jovi shares ‘clever’ message he wrote to his parents when he was 16

Jon Bon Jovi shares ‘clever’ message he wrote to his parents when he was 16

It’s sometimes hard to believe that some of our favorite musicians are ordinary people, just like us. Their songs have been the soundtrack to our lives forever. But before they were making hit records, they were kids trying to convince their parents to help them make their dreams come true.

We know Jon Bon Jovi as the frontman of Bon Jovi, one of the most successful bands of the 1980s. Bon Jovi gave us Live by a prayer, that served as an anthem for a generation. He recently sat down with Kelly Clarkson and shared a fond memory from his teenage years.

Jon told Kelly he wanted a fancy Fender guitar but knew he couldn’t afford one. Being a bit of a salesman, he took a grease-smeared paper plate and wrote a note to his parents from the perspective of his worn-out Japanese guitar.

He said he was old and tired and needed to be replaced, so his mother wrote on the plate and told him to “take 2 Excedrin” and rest.

Jon Bon Jovi called himself a “Messie”.

Jon Bon Jovi said that he sold his first guitar and bought a new one. But the seller kept it and sold it back to Jon 45 years later. He not only owns the instrument, but also the original note on a paper plate.

He told Kelly that he had written a song for his new lamb, My first guitar dedicated to the beautiful memory. Kelly loved the story and the feeling.

Bon Jovi fans thought so too. As someone wrote under Kelly’s Instagram post, it is very important to encourage a child’s passion.

“If your child comes to you and asks for a musical instrument… stop what you’re doing and get him one! ^cool story.”

The source of the cover image of this story can be found here.

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