
The show will be good! – The Bold and the Beautiful

The show will be good! – The Bold and the Beautiful

I’m here for it. Although I need Hope and Brooke to step up and put both Steffy and Taylor in their place. Rich is from Saint Taylor and says dating men from the same family. Didn’t she and her daughter both go down the same path? When will the sober psych understand that Ridge left because he chose Brooke over and over again? How many times does the crazy woman have to be left standing at the altar before she holds Ridge accountable for his own actions. Steffy, on the other hand, not only prepares to leave her husband behind, but runs off to tell the other side that she’s leaving town. If she’s so worried about Hope going after her husband, why does she leave the door open for Hope to just walk in? Especially since she claims that Logans are notorious for stealing husbands. And now for Luna. I’m lost for words, lol!

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Maybe that’s what Steffy wants to find out if Finn falls from grace

It’s no secret that I despise Taylor. I wanted to jump through my screen and slap her (and I’m not a violent person). I know she dated Thorne. Possibly Eric (I could be wrong, it was so long ago). What’s wrong with Ridge not standing up for “the love of his life,” Brooke? If my husband stood there and let his ex-wife tear me down like that without telling her to shut up, he’d be gone!

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ITA about Ridge. He just stands there until Brooke claps back. Then he tries to intervene. He recently told Steffy that Brooke didn’t force him to leave, it was his decision. Can he please pass this information on to Taylor instead of encouraging her by flirting?

I would love it if Ridge told Taylor directly. That would be my absolute favorite scene in the show.

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Yes. Taylor and Steffy have both dated men in the same family. Steffy has dated all of the Spencers. Taylor has dated Ridge, Thorne (who pretended to be Thomas’ father) and Eric… and also Ridge’s half-brother Nick. Given that, I have a hard time understanding how Taylor can look down on Brooke or Hope.

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Steffy’s behavior makes me wonder if she is perhaps, even subconsciously, looking for a way out of her marriage. Why else would she lie and say Finn allowed Hope to kiss him? And she is lying. Both Hope and Finn have told her that Hope is solely responsible for this, so Steffy knows better than what she told Liam today.

Let’s see if Steffy runs all over town telling RJ that she saw Luna kissing Bill. She should get to her little brother RJ at least as fast as she threw herself between her big brothers Thomas and Hope.

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