
Educator and Gospel Artist Kerlyne Liberus on “You’re Good to Me” (Cover) The Hype Magazine: Revealing the pulse of urban culture – from hip hop to Hollywood! Discover a diverse collection of stories, interviews and influential editorials from fashion, gaming, movies, MMA, EDM, rock and more! – The Hype Magazine The Hype Magazine

Educator and Gospel Artist Kerlyne Liberus on “You’re Good to Me” (Cover) The Hype Magazine: Revealing the pulse of urban culture – from hip hop to Hollywood! Discover a diverse collection of stories, interviews and influential editorials from fashion, gaming, movies, MMA, EDM, rock and more! – The Hype Magazine The Hype Magazine

Kerlyne Liberus

Published on 22 August 2024 |
by Dr. Jerry Doby

The music of southern New Jersey native Kerlyne Liberus is a living fabric woven from her rich Haitian heritage and the deep-rooted Christian values ​​of her upbringing in New York and New Jersey. From a young age, she was inspired by her father, who played the accordion and sang with his group: “The Brothers of One’. This family influence ignited her passion for singing and performing, and led her to begin singing in her church’s children’s group. As her talent blossomed, she began taking solo parts and participating in high school events, laying the foundation for a remarkable musical journey. Colorful, dynamic, beautifully expressive, and with a voice that can strengthen our connection to the Holy Spirit, Kerlyne Liberus’ version of gospel has illuminated the hearts of many. For Kerlyne, music is a divine gift, a way to spread God’s Word and heal through song. Her mission is clear: to inspire positive action and bring comfort to those in need.

You are good to me” is a warm English rendering of “Ou Bon Pou Mwen” from James Smith Alcindorbeautifully performed by Liberus. This song is deep in sound and honors God for His infinite goodness. Kerlyne’s soulful voice and passionate delivery elevate the music and make it a poignant reminder of divine grace and gratitude. With “You’re Good To Me,” Kerlyne invites listeners to reflect on their blessings and celebrate God’s unwavering love and generosity.

Kerlyne talked about her musical roots, her love for gospel and her hopes for the listeners

Can you tell us more about yourself and the beginning of your musical journey?

I am a teacher at heart, so I studied early childhood education and I love singing. I started my musical journey when I was about 13 years old, but I was too shy to sing on my own. Then I started singing with the children’s group at my church and when I emigrated to the US, I joined a choir which allowed me to lead some of the songs from there. I started my solo career in 2012 and released my first and only album “Who Am I?” in 2016.

How did your fans and listeners react to this song?

So far this song has been a blessing. Although it is a translation of the very successful Ou Bon Pou Mwen by James Smith Alcindor, many people have expressed their love for my version and said they listen to it every day. Some people have even asked for the instrumental version so they can sing it in their church.

Can you talk about the message you wanted to convey with this song?

I wanted to remind people of the goodness of the Lord. We don’t really deserve what He does for us on a daily basis, but because He is good, He doesn’t overlook our mistakes but continues to bless us no matter what. When things get difficult, He smooths the way for us and is always with us. So no matter the circumstances, we should know that His goodness keeps us going.

Were there any artists or musical elements that served as inspiration for the adaptation of your cover?

Not really. I was sitting at home one afternoon singing the song over and over and suddenly some crazy ideas came to me, so I picked up my phone, recorded them and sent them to the composer who helped me put the song together.

Can you share any memorable moments or stories from filming the music video?

The video was shot in one day. I was in Miami, Florida last December to graduate and I thought I could make the video as a thank you to God who motivated me throughout my education. I graduated high school in 2001 and won’t receive my bachelor’s degree until 2023, so it’s been over 20 years since I tried. So this video is a testament to my joy and certainly my way of thanking God for everything he has done for me through my ups and downs. He has never let me down and I am grateful.

What do you hope viewers take away from the music video?

The message the song conveys is that the Lord is good and always will be good. His grace will always be enough, we just have to remember that through Him who strengthens us, all things are possible.

How do you integrate your faith and spirituality into your creative process?

Faith and spirituality are a source of deep inspiration and guidance for me. I am very goal-oriented, which helps me meditate, pray, and reflect on the core values ​​of my faith. I believe that God never fails and never will. Through faith and spirituality, I find myself, my inspiration, and my mindfulness, and all of this helps me to live what I sing about and share my story so that others can be encouraged.

What advice would you give to aspiring gospel artists?

Nurture their faith. This will help them stay grounded by spending time in prayer and meditation, which will shape and inspire their music. They must be resilient, continue to grow their community, and combine their passion for gospel music with a strong sense of purpose and professional development. This will help them make a meaningful impact and inspire others through their gift.

What are your goals for the future of your music career?

I want to continue working on improving my craft, creating music that resonates with listeners and leaves a positive impression, collaborating with other artists, producers and songwriters, becoming more involved in my community, doing more live performances and praying that my singing career will be sustainable. I am currently working on songs that will be released soon, so connect with me on all social platforms to be the first to know about my new songs and when I will be in your area.

Follow Kerlyne Liberus


About the author

Dr. Jerry Doby, Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, media and SEO consultant, journalist, Ph.D., and retired war veteran. Recipient of the 2023 President’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, United States Press Agency, and ForbesBLK.

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