
Book club “Good Government” at #MACoCon

Book club “Good Government” at #MACoCon

At MACo’s summer conference, the Good Government Book Club discussed how The Fred Factor by Mark Sanborn inspires us to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary through passionate work and meaningful dialogue.

One of the standout sessions at the MACo Summer Conference this year was the Good Government Book Club, where we explored Mark Sanborn’s The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary into the Extraordinary. The Good Government Book Club discussion was not only about the book, but also about how participants can apply these principles in their daily work. Participants reflected on how we can use “Fred’s in our roles by approaching our work with passion and a commitment to excellence and making a positive difference in our communities.

MACo thanks JP Morgan for its contributions to the promotion of the Good Government Book Club, whose conference participants contribute significantly to the success of the conference through active participation and discussion management.

Description: The MACo conference brings another renewal of the “Good Government Book Club” for district leaders and other interested parties who would like to read a relevant book in advance and bring thoughts and discussions to the conference for personal exchange. This summer’s reading is The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Transform the Ordinary into the Extraordinary by Mark Sanborn and concentrated about how you and the things around you change when you go beyond the usual in what you do.

Speakers: Douglas Krinsky, Relationship Executive, JP Morgan

More about MACo’s summer conference:

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