
“Draco is a werewolf” theory is so plausible that Harry Potter fans are convinced that JK Rowling actually considered making it canon

“Draco is a werewolf” theory is so plausible that Harry Potter fans are convinced that JK Rowling actually considered making it canon

In the sprawling wizarding world, fans often delve into every conceivable aspect of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter universe to develop theories that range from wild fantasy to surprisingly plausible. By mixing elements of the magical world with speculative fiction, fans tend to push the boundaries of what is considered canon.

Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy
Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter Movies | Image: Warner Bros.

While some of these theories end up being delightfully bizarre, some hold some weight due to the strong evidence from the texts. One of these theories posits that Draco Malfoy may be a werewolf. Combining his family’s connection to dark magic and the way Lord Voldemort punished him by ordering Fenrir Greyback to bite him, fans are convinced that JK Rowling may have actually considered making this canon.

Evidence suggesting that Draco Malfoy became a werewolf in Harry Potter

For generations, JK Rowling’s iconic Harry Potter The franchise has sparked interesting fan theories and debates surrounding the wizarding world. While not all of them have been worthy of people’s attention, one particular fan theory has consistently come into the spotlight after Potterheads theorized that Slytherin snob Draco Malfoy may have turned into a werewolf in the second half of the series.

Using evidence from JK Rowling’s book series and the film adaptations, fans on Reddit claimed that Harry’s arch-enemy actually became a werewolf after being bitten by Fenrir Greyback. Considering that Draco was one of the main antagonists and had a dangerous loyalty to Lord Voldemort, fans highlighted evidence pointing to his werewolf side.

Draco Malfoy in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” | Image: Warner Bros.
Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | Image: Warner Bros.

Given that Draco’s father Lucius Malfoy was sent to Azkaban, which led to Draco taking his place as a Death Eater and taking orders from Voldemort, fans argued that Draco was never a Death Eater, but a werewolf. This suggests that Draco must have transformed between the events of Order of the Phoenix And Half-Blood Prince, Fans discussed how this explained his striking change in behavior.

Although it was supposed to show his struggles with life as a Death Eater, fans believe that this change was actually Draco’s transformation into a werewolf. Fans pointed to Remus Lupin’s statement in which he revealed that Voldemort had ordered the werewolf Fenrir Greyback to bite the children of his enemies in the past to support this theory. When JK Rowling mentioned that Lucius was punished for not receiving the prophecy, she may have been hinting at this theory.

Although JK Rowling refutes the theory, fans are convinced that it is canon

Given the compelling appeal of this theory, backed up by evidence from the text, fans agreed that Draco Malfoy’s sickly and pale appearance was not due to his undesirable duties as a Death Eater, but rather his transformation into a werewolf. In fact, Potterheads were so intrigued by the theory that they even began to believe that JK Rowling may have planned to change this canon.

JK Rowling
JK Rowling during an interview | Image: The Today Show

But although the evidence for the werewolf theory seemed convincing, JK Rowling debunked the idea by X. With the statement: “Draco is definitely not a werewolf“, the author confirmed that she never intended to make it an official storyline. Despite Rowling’s contribution, however, it did not convince every Harry Potter fan, as some were still skeptical of her statement, considering that the author had a history of change Harry Potter Canon.

Therefore, fans still seem to believe that JK Rowling actually planned to make this werewolf theory canon. But ultimately, regardless of the truths and lies, the theory that Draco Malfoy was a werewolf is certainly an interesting one. Plus, it’s amusing to think about what could have been if the franchise had pursued this path even further.

Harry Potter Movies are currently available to watch on Max.

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