
Growing attention for Giulia Siegel

Growing attention for Giulia Siegel

Seven people are in a camp in the wilderness. – There is an increasing disrespect towards Giulia Siegel.

Seven’s fight on “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” on RTL+ (on August 22nd at 8:15 p.m. also on linear television) is called: Level seven. The tension is high, the source of stress has been identified: Giulia Siegel (49). Kader Loth (51) sums up the situation: “We are struggling with insomnia, food shortages and internal conflicts. And that is the most difficult thing.”

The toilet paper scandals

Relations between Kader Loth and Giulia Siegel are tense. After Loth criticizes the excessive use of toilet paper, Siegel accuses Loth of storing a large amount of toilet paper. This puts Loth in an embarrassing situation as she explains that she packed a used sanitary pad.

Loth insults Siegel because he apparently wanted to humiliate her on purpose. Despite Siegel’s repeated apologies and assurances that she did not know what Loth was holding in her hand, the rest of the campers are on Loth’s side. Even Thorsten Legat (55) expresses understanding for the women’s drama: “I’m pretty ashamed at the moment to share a flat with Giulia Siegel.”

Shortly afterwards, the next argument breaks out. When Hanka Rackwitz (55) calls for more empathy within the group, Elena Miras (32) reacts angrily: “I can’t stand this fake pity anymore!” Things get heated in the kitchen: The “unreasonable” Giulia and the aggressive Elena, both armed with knives, are supposed to cook together. However, Miras rushes off kitchen duty and spends her time gossiping about Siegel with other camp residents. A look on the positive side: “I feel terribly mistreated,” complains the outspoken woman in the Jungle phone in the evening. “It’s like I’m being lynched out of the blue by everyone.”

Hanka Rackwitz’ voluntary departure

Rackwitz decides to leave the next morning and expresses her opinion that her fellow campers are primarily to blame for her decision: “I will be sick for days because of the tendons here and other disgusting incidents.” She bids Siegel a warm farewell and encourages him: “Giulia, I am terribly sorry for you. You will need a lot of strength now.”

And there is something positive too: Gigi Birofio (25) is celebrating his birthday! The self-proclaimed womanizer wants nothing more than wild sex. “We cannot grant your wish,” Sarah Knappik (37) quickly clarifies. Instead, he is allowed to take part in the jungle test alongside Loth and Legacy. The game follows a classic format: Kader drives the car blindly while Thorsten gives instructions using hand signals and Gigi translates the instructions into spoken language. The trio must collect 11 stars and overcome obstacles, including dirt, slime and broth that spills over the campers at each station.

The collaboration is intense but productive. Although Thorsten’s restrained communication causes high blood pressure, he manages to push the car across the finish line about a minute before the engine fails. The group receives a total of eight stars.

Instead of celebrating with cake, Legat comes up with a plan to rid the camp of “evil.” He plans to gauge the loyalty of his fellow players based on their reactions to the game’s success. Unsurprisingly, he focuses on one person in particular – Giulia Siegel. “You can actually see the fiery eyes and horns,” he concludes. He issues a warning: “The evil is starting to surface…” One can only hope that Siegel will be chosen by her teammates for her own protection in the next episode.

Amid the challenges of the jungle camp, Kyle (a newcomer) suggests introducing a toilet paper rationing system to reduce waste and prevent future misunderstandings, referring to the toilet paper scandal involving Giulia Siegel and Kader Loth.

Kyle senses the tensions in the jungle camp and decides that the best thing to do would be to propose a meeting of the entire jungle camp to discuss issues such as toilet paper consumption, food distribution and dealing with internal conflicts, with the aim of maintaining harmony among the camp participants.

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