
RFK Jr.’s impending departure is the first good news for Trump in a month

RFK Jr.’s impending departure is the first good news for Trump in a month

The campaign of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he will deliver a major speech about the future of his presidential campaign on Friday, one day after the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Several publications have reported that he plans to drop out of the presidency – and that he is in talks to endorse former President Donald Trump.

This would be the first good news for Mr Trump since President Joe Biden abandoned his campaign a month ago and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

Why we wrote this

Ironically, Democrats have spent more than a year trying to attack Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and exclude him from the election, fearing he would steal votes from their candidate. Now his elimination could benefit Donald Trump.

Kennedy, a former Democrat whose late father and uncle are iconic figures in the party, could help bring the majority of his remaining supporters into the Republican ranks.

His support has slowly declined from a high of around 15 percent to 4 percent currently in national polls, with the majority of his supporters more likely to support Trump than Ms. Harris if he drops out of the race.

“It could help President Trump a lot,” said Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic congressman who ran Kennedy’s campaign until last October. “Kennedy has support among populist Republicans and I’m sure he can win them back for Trump.”

President Joe Biden’s abrupt withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race immediately after last month’s Republican convention put an immediate end to former President Donald Trump’s success. Now a third-party candidate could get revenge by entering the Democratic convention just as their term is winding down.

The campaign of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he will give a major speech on the future of his race on Friday, a day after the Democratic National Convention concludes in Chicago. Several publications have reported that he plans to drop out of the race – and that he is in talks to endorse Mr. Trump. That would be the first piece of good news for Mr. Trump since Mr. Biden abandoned his campaign a month ago and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kennedy, a former Democrat whose late father and uncle are iconic figures in the party, could help bring the majority of his remaining supporters into the Republican ranks.

Why we wrote this

Ironically, Democrats have spent more than a year trying to attack Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and exclude him from the election, fearing he would steal votes from their candidate. Now his elimination could benefit Donald Trump.

Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic congressman and presidential candidate who managed Kennedy’s campaign until last October, said he believed his friend’s exit from the race could significantly help Trump in such a close race.

“It could help President Trump a lot in the swing states where he and Vice President Harris are separated by one or two points,” he says. “Kennedy has support among the populist Republicans and I am sure he can win them back for Trump.”

Gain a strong following – then dwindle

Polls have shown for months that Kennedy is now more popular with Republicans than with Democrats. National and state polls once showed him winning slightly more votes from Democrats. But since Vice President Harris moved to the top of the ticket, she has won back many Democratic voters who were previously dissatisfied with their choices in the major parties – including many Kennedy supporters.

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