
“Have a nice trip”: The first meeting of the Sarasota County School Board after the primary elections was heated

“Have a nice trip”: The first meeting of the Sarasota County School Board after the primary elections was heated

SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) – During the first Sarasota County School Board meeting since the primary election on Tuesday, several speakers directed heated messages at Karen Rose.

“Karen, even though you are not here, I am going to reach out to you because I believe you are watching. You have run one of the most despicable, disgraceful and hateful campaigns I have ever seen,” said Sally Sells, who spoke during the public hearing.

Rose lost to Liz Barker in Tuesday’s election, leaving her seat as board chair vacant at Wednesday’s meeting.

Sells was not the only one who sent messages to Rose. Cindy Effron also took the podium and spoke to those absent.

“Karen had previously expressed that she was tired of seeing the same faces at these board meetings, so I thought I could offer her some incentive by showing up. So much has already been said about her tenure on the school board, so I have only two words left: Goodbye,” Effron said.

Board member Bridget Ziegler also came under criticism during the public hearing from many residents, including Effron, who suggested she would be the next member to leave the committee.

“Bridget, please. If you really care about Sarasota County schools, please step aside. Step aside,” Effron said.

Ziegler took a moment toward the end of the meeting to address comments not about her, but about Rose. Ziegler emphasized Rose’s character and passion for the job.

“It’s about academic excellence and accountability and I think when you look at where our district has gone in, frankly, about 18 months, it’s phenomenal and a testament to many of the decisions she’s made,” Ziegler said.

In a statement to ABC7, Ziegler also said: “Great loss for the community. Karen was instrumental in getting the district back on track with her unwavering commitment to academic excellence and accountability and brought a very competent superintendent to office in Terry Connor.”

The statement continued: “I hope Tom and Liz will focus on what is important – providing a first-class education for our children – and not on the political circus and games that took place just before Election Day. We must always remember that the community has entrusted us to do a very important job on their behalf.”

Board member Tom Edwards was re-elected and received congratulations and applause from the audience.

“I want to congratulate Tom Edwards on his re-election and also Liz Barker on her victory over Karen Rose,” Effron said.

Edwards said it was time to prioritize students and put politics aside.

“I don’t play politics. First of all, you have to trust my vote, and if I played politics, you wouldn’t trust me because you would always wonder if I was playing politics,” Edwards said.

ABC7 also asked Edwards about the comments about Rose and the fact that she was fired.

“I believe Liz and I won the election because the community stands for kindness, respect and dignity for all. During this transition, we must apply those shared values ​​to the colleague who is leaving the board,” Edwards said.

According to Sarasota County Schools staff, they did not expect Rose to appear at the meeting and were unsure if Barker, the newly elected member, would be there. However, they said Barker should be at the next meeting.

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