
Gay penguin: Penguin Sphen, one half of a famous gay couple, dies

Gay penguin: Penguin Sphen, one half of a famous gay couple, dies

Sphena beloved Gentoo penguin at Sea Life Sydney Aquariumdied at the age of 11 and leaves behind his same-sex partner, magicand their two foster chicks. The couple’s relationship captured the hearts of people around the world and became a symbol of love and equality.
The attraction between Sphen and Magic was first noticed by staff when they observed the two penguins bowing to each other, a form of flirting among gentoo penguins. They spent six years together before Sphen died.
As part of the grieving process, Magic was given time with Sphen’s body to help him understand the death of his partner. The aquarium reported that Magic began to sing, a gesture that was echoed by the rest of the aquarium. penguin Colony.
Sphen and Magic’s story gained international attention in 2018 when they adopted and raised two chicks together, illustrating the natural monogamous behavior of gentoo penguins. Their relationship resonated with viewers around the world, making them a symbol of inclusivity and acceptance.
The pair’s influence extended far beyond the aquarium’s walls, inspiring a float in Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade, being included in Australia’s education curriculum and even appearing in the Netflix series Atypical. Sphen’s legacy as an ambassador for equality and conservation was recognised by Sea Life Sydney Aquarium, with managing director Richard Dilly describing the penguin’s influence as “immeasurable”.
The public has expressed their sadness and condolences on an aquarium message board. One fan, Mark, wrote: “Sphen and Magic were icons of equality. My heart breaks for the keepers and the entire team at Sea Life Sydney.” Another, Rach, added: “You taught the world so much. We will never forget you Habibi.”
While the focus at Sea Life Sydney shifts to Magic, who prepares for his first breeding season without Sphen by his side, the penguin’s legacy lives on in the pair’s two foster chicks, Sphengic (also known as Lara) and Clancy.

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