
This Sour Patch Kids dice game brings teenagers to the table

This Sour Patch Kids dice game brings teenagers to the table

When my children were little, they always wanted my husband and I to play with them. From board games to Barbie dolls, I remember all too well being an exhausted mother, wondering when the demands for attention would finally stop. Then they became teenagers.

My kids are now 14 and 16, and each child has their own schedule and spends a lot of free time in their room. However, I recently purchased Sixem: Sour Patch Kids Dice Game, which immediately caught my teens’ attention. This family board game brought the love of game nights – and precious time spent together – back into my house.

Sixem: Sour Patch Kids Dice Game


Sixem: Sour Patch Kids Dice Game is a version of the original Sixem, a fast-paced dice game where players compete to roll the dice and win. The big difference between Sixem and the Sour Patch Kids version is the sweet and sour twist: players have the option to be “sweet” by giving one of their opponents a color they need, or “sour” by taking away an opponent’s color and slowing their progress.

I like how easy the game is to learn, and others think so too. “It’s really easy to learn, plays quickly, and is a great family game or something to play quickly when you just want to have a bit of fun,” wrote one Amazon shopper. My kids are competitive, and they love to outdo each other by snatching away each other’s hard-earned progress while snacking on the Sour Patch Kids candies I’ve put out to sweeten and sour the deals.

Sixem: Sour Patch Kids Dice Game


Since the first night we played Sixem: Sour Patch Kids Dice Game, my kids have not only asked my husband and me to play it again several times, but they’ve also shown the game to friends. I’m not sure which scenario I like better: playing the game with my teens or listening to them laugh while they play the game with their friends.

Amazon shoppers also enjoy playing it with their families. “I recently played this game with the whole family,” said one reviewer. “I like how simple it is, yet you can use strategy to make the game more challenging.”

If, like me, you miss those fussy little ones begging you to play with them, try bringing this game (and some Sour Patch Kids candy) to the table. If you already have this game or want more suggestions for board games for teens, I found 10 more options to bring teens and their families together.

Other board games for teenagers

Further offers for parents

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