
Watch live speeches by Tim Walz, Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi on the third day of the DNC

Watch live speeches by Tim Walz, Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi on the third day of the DNC

The Democrats Abortion is back in the spotlight with a number of speakers leading abortion rights organizations. The topic was a motivator for voters in the 2022 midterm elections, the first to take place after the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade overturnedand Democrats hope it will help their candidates win again in November.

“When abortion is on the ballot, we win,” said Minnie Timmaraju, president and CEO of Reproductive Freedom for All, before listing the seven states where the abortion rights position was successful when the issue directly on the ballot in 2022.

Voters in at least eight states will have the opportunity to vote on abortion laws in November. On the second night of the convention, several women spoke about their experiences in states with abortion restrictions.

Alexis McGill Johnson, president of Planned Parenthood, recalled a pregnant woman from Georgia who had to fly to California for an abortion and warned about the health situation in states with near-total bans or strict restrictions.

“We cannot call ourselves a free nation if women are not free,” she said.

Former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said politics should not interfere in a patient’s health care.

“When women have the freedom to make their own decisions about their lives and follow their dreams, we are unstoppable,” she said. “But when Roe v. Wade was overturned, an entire generation of women lost that freedom.”

Jessica Mackler, who runs the EMILYs List, quoted from Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion in the case that struck down the constitutional right to abortion, in which he wrote, “Women are not without electoral or political power.”

“Donald Trump and the Republicans will soon learn how true this is,” Mackler said. “The opportunity is before us. The power is in our hands, and now is the time.”

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