
DC Ward Day: Uplifting Community Spirit

DC Ward Day: Uplifting Community Spirit

The Washington Spirit is all about performance on the field, but it also values ​​community service. The residents of Wards 6, 7, and 8 and the area surrounding Audi Field are the lifeblood of the Spirit, and DC Ward Day, presented by CareFirst, is designed to celebrate that.

DC Ward Day recognizes the rich culture, people and businesses of the community in which Spirit exists, helping not only those closest to Spirit identify with the team, but also introducing those traveling from out of town to the community that surrounds Spirit games at Audi Field.

DC Ward Day will highlight community organizations, including the Anacostia Community Museum. CareFirst, DC Ward Day’s presenting partner, which has committed to a multi-year community partnership with the Spirit, will also be active throughout the game.

The Spirit maintains a broad range of relationships with numerous local community organizations, including DC SCORES, Equal Opportunity, Support and Mentoring of Youth Advocates and Leaders (SMYAL), MSYSA Let’s Play!, YWCA and more. Most recently, Spirit partnered with Friends of Anacostia Park for a cleanup night with staff and players.

But the Spirit’s most fundamental community partnership is with DC SCORES, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping over 3,000 children in the community stay active through soccer, become diligent students, and step out of their comfort zones by writing and performing poetry on stage.

According to Katrina Owens, executive director of DC SCORES, the key to a positive community partnership is an authentic relationship between the organizations that goes beyond photo ops and the spotlight and focuses on the people who matter most to our future – youth.

Since the beginning of their partnership, Spirit and DC SCORES have collaborated on numerous community projects. Last year, Spirit and DC SCORES worked with the Black Women’s Player Collective to build mini-fields at Hendley Elementary School and partnered with CareFirst to financially improve and promote health and equity for the girls at Excel Academy in Ward 8. Together, Spirit and DC SCORES have created spaces to help youth highlight their talents and create a sense of belonging across DC.

DC Scores is not just a close partner of Spirit. The relationship is valued throughout the organization, from leadership to staff to players. The shining example of this is Spirit Forward Ashley Hatch and her work with DC SCORES.

Hatch’s involvement with the Spirit’s key community partner began at the beginning of the partnership. In addition to working with DC SCORES on numerous events, she even raised $15,000 through classes and social media fundraising to cover bus costs for young DC SCORES poet-athletes.

“It’s been great to have her involved from the beginning. I think she’s always looked for ways to connect with the kids in our program and build an authentic relationship with them,” Owens said.

Hatch’s work at DC SCORES was so consistent that she was even elected to the DC SCORES Board of Directors, a position she still holds.

It’s clear that Hatch shares the Spirit’s spirit of giving back to the community, and her relationship with DC SCORES provides her with an even larger network to find expressions of community passion.

When she’s not training, traveling, or attending board meetings, Hatch also runs her own community initiatives. One of those programs is Boots From Pros, which launched in 2019 and donates gently used boots with a special touch from professional athletes to young athletes in need.

Although Hatch grew up in Arizona and has roots in Utah, she says her work has brought her a new home here in the DMV.

“Living in the DMV area, I’m super far from my family. Every year I’ve been here, I’ve gotten closer and closer to the community,” Hatch said. “If I ever leave DC, I know I’ll be leaving a big part of my heart here.”

While DC Ward Day is designed to highlight those – small businesses, community organizations, local leaders and students – who make the community special, that’s not all. Throughout the season, the Spirit will work to ensure fans have the same sense of identity and community that Hatch does for the place the Spirit calls home.

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