
Markees Watts Camp Diary: The sack felt good, it was a long time coming

Markees Watts Camp Diary: The sack felt good, it was a long time coming

The Pewter Report’s Bucs Camp Diary, a popular training camp feature on, returns in 2024. We are excited to profile two very interesting players in veteran outside linebacker Markees Watts and rookie running back Bucky Irving, the Bucs’ fourth-round pick.

Watts was fifth in the outside linebacker rankings last year and is not guaranteed a spot on the roster in 2024. But he has the talent to make the team again – and shoot up the rankings with a great training camp and a good preseason.

Irving will give readers the experience of rookie life in his first training camp in Tampa Bay in Liam Coen’s new offense. The small, quick, tackle-breaking runner and receiver is expected to back up Rachaad White and earn call-ups and playing time based on his performance in camp and the preseason.

Look for updates to Watts and Irving’s camp diary each week throughout training camp and the preseason.

Markees Watts was an undrafted free agent and Charlotte’s all-time leading sacker. He made the team last year with one sack, one forced fumble and nine preseason pressures. He led the team as a situational pass rusher last year with a 23% pass rush win rate and is in the tightest and toughest training camp battle for the outside linebacker position.

Watts was a guest at the Pewter Report Podcast and gave Bucs fans some incredible insights in his interview.

The sack was a good feeling, it was long overdue

By Markees Watts, narrated by Scott Reynolds

Bucs Olb Markees WattsBucs Olb Markees Watts

Bucs OLB Markees Watts – Photo by: Cliff Welch P/R

As far as our pass rush, we had a good game in Jacksonville. The sack felt good — it was a long time coming. It was a lot of work — a lot of reps. I just worked with (outside linebackers coach) George (Edwards) and made it the best weapon in my arsenal. Saturday night was a reflection of that.

Once I started the game with speed, they started adjusting to it, so I had to hit back with power once they adjusted. So I hit him with the changeup and had that speed to power ratio, which showed on the sack. I worked hard in the offseason to get bigger and stronger, and it paid off.

Last week I was also struggling with my power move and was working with Coach George on what would work. I literally sat with him the night before and we went over my game plan, how I was going to attack and what I was going to do. I went out and executed the first part of the plan like we discussed and then went to him on the sideline and asked, “Time to switch?” And he said yes, it was time to switch. I went out and executed it.

It’s great to see how the big guys are getting better. Coach George is getting to know us better and better – our strengths and weaknesses. He knows where we still need to work on ourselves and improve our pass rush. You can see that he is getting to know us better and more and is learning more about us as players and people.

Markees Watts was thrilled that his teammates were successful against the Jaguars

Bucs player Jose RamirezBucs player Jose Ramirez

Bucs OLB Jose Ramirez – Photo by: Cliff Welch/PR

It’s been a while since I’ve been part of a two-man rush like that — it goes back to my college days (at Charlotte, I played alongside Alex Highsmith). It was crazy watching Jose (Ramirez) out there chasing, and we didn’t know who was going to get the chip out there. We were messing up their plans. When two guys rush like that, it’s a disruption. They had to chip us left, right, left, right — they couldn’t focus on just one guy. If I don’t do my part, I’m holding him back. They can’t chip us both, so we both had to go hard. I love watching Jose win.

It was a great feeling to see CJ Brewer go out there and make a great play and finish the run. You have all these bonds – team bonds, position bonds and defense bonds, but that bond between roommates is huge. Going back to the hotel with your brother and having a good time because you’re happy for each other is great. There are all kinds of bonds, but the bond between roommates is one of the biggest.

More playing time pays off with more experience

I think I’ve had a good training camp so far. What I’ve been able to improve in practice has shown up in the games. I’m using my hands a lot more, and that was a big emphasis last game – my hands – and I’m using speed into power and switching back and forth between them. I’ve been practicing those things, going over them with Coach George and it’s shown up in the game.

I play more snaps when Yaya (Diaby) and Joe (Tryon-Shoyinka) are out there and it’s really a privilege. I’m happy to be out there more and I’m proud to be out there more. My conditioning is great. Going into these games — practice is one thing, but in the games you always have to give a little bit more. It just comes naturally. Playing more reps gives me a chance to practice more things in the games and more opportunities to improve my game and learn and improve things.

Preparing for Miami and the season finale

Bucs player Anthony NelsonBucs player Anthony Nelson

Bucs OLB Anthony Nelson – Photo by: USA Today

The first practice together in Jacksonville was tough. It was long and in the middle of the day it got hot outside. We had to adapt quickly. We didn’t really have any breaks. The next day we came out and adapted and played stronger. We have to do the same thing in the upcoming practice with Miami. Train fast and hard and do better this time. And when the game comes, we have to do our best and make sure the moment is not too big for us.

It was cool to see Nelly (outside linebacker Anthony Nelson) get a pick (against Kyle Trask) at practice on Monday because you don’t expect that. Everyone was excited. Everyone jumped up and everyone started screaming when Nelly got that pick. His arms are long too. So he was able to just grab the pick out of the air. He got it and got into the end zone quick.

Follow Markees Watts on X: @ilovemarkees

Follow Markees Watts on Instagram: @iammarkeeswatts

Previous Markees Watts Camp Diaries

Markees Watts Camp Diary: I am definitely stronger this year

Markees Watts Camp Diary: Competing against Luke Goedeke is nothing but work

Markees Watts Camp Diary: It’s the dog days of camp

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