
First day of Warren High School with new principal

First day of Warren High School with new principal

VINCENT, OH (WTAP) – It was the first day of school for Warren High School students and the first day for someone in administration.

Kyle Scott is the new principal of Warren High School after the previous principal resigned, and he is excited because his first day was a blast.

“The first day was great,” Scott said. “We met with the kids in the gym today and went over different rules, expectations and things like that. This year, the vibe is different. The kids are excited to be here. The staff are excited to be here. There are a lot of new initiatives that I think are going to be really great for our kids.”

Scott added that it was also pretty cool to see familiar faces that he recognized from his time in elementary school.

“I think it was really great to see some of the kids I know through sports, athletics and other events, and some of the older siblings of kids I had in elementary school,” Scott added. “I had already built some of those relationships, but seeing them walking through the common area and hallways today, it was great to bring it all together on the first day of school.”

However, Scott wants both the students and his staff to have their say because they can all work as a team.

“We want to give students a say in what happens here at school,” Scott said. “What interests they have, what interests lead to different career opportunities, whether it’s through the Career Center, college or other institutions. For our staff, I want to build a culture where everyone feels like they’re part of the same team.”

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