
Panama has expelled the first group of illegal migrants from Colombia

Panama has expelled the first group of illegal migrants from Colombia

Panamanian authorities today deported 29 convicted migrants from Colombia who had illegally crossed the jungle into the United States, marking the first time that they have implemented an agreement on the issue reached with the United States in July.

This was announced by Panama’s Deputy Security Minister Luis Felipe Icaza, who escorted the special flight from Panama to Bogotá together with Marlin Pineiro, the US Department of the Interior official for Central America.

Deportees with their hands and feet shackled and without luggage were searched individually with metal detectors.

Ikaze said another plane was expected to arrive later this week under the Panama-US agreement of July 1.

Migrants from Panama

Washington has pledged to provide up to six million dollars to repatriate migrants crossing the jungle at the Panama-Colombia border.

In a first phase, migrants with a criminal record will be affected by the deportation, but the agreement also provides for the return of other migrants.

Migrants from Panama

Panama’s new president, José Raúl Mulino, promised to “close” the jungle route that half a million migrants from South America took on their way to the United States via Central America and Mexico by 2023.


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