
This type of cardio is just as good for losing weight as running

This type of cardio is just as good for losing weight as running

You’re sitting in a spin class, drenched in sweat, the music blaring and your endorphins pumping, when your trainer tells you to turn up the resistance. You’ve recently been trying to lose weight and a friend told you that cycling might help you lose weight. But now that you’re almost out of breath on the bike, you’re wondering: is this really helping you lose weight?

Experts say yes. “Cycling is a great way to work your cardiovascular system if you’re looking for a low-impact workout,” says Tatiana Lampa, an ACSM-certified personal trainer and NASM corrective exercise specialist. It’s easier on the joints than running, for example, and lowers the risk of injury — but still offers health benefits like stronger muscles and better cardiovascular fitness, according to Harvard Health.

In fact, cycling can be just as effective as running when it comes to cardiovascular health, says Charlie Seltzer, MD, an obesity medicine physician and ACSM-certified exercise specialist. Regular cycling (whether in the gym or on the trail) can help lower your blood pressure, insulin levels and resting heart rate if you do it regularly, he says.

If weight loss is your main goal, read this before you splurge on that exercise bike you keep seeing online. Here, health experts tell you everything you need to know about cycling for weight loss, including the pros and cons and how to reap the benefits safely.

Meet the experts: Tatiana Lampa is an ACSM-certified personal trainer and NASM corrective exercise specialist based in New York City. Charlie Seltzer, MD, CSCS, is an obesity medicine physician and ACSM-certified exercise specialist.

Is cycling good for losing weight?

Depending on the regularity and intensity, this popular workout can certainly support your weight loss efforts. According to a 2018 study in the European Journal of Obesity, women who cycle for an hour and a half per week have, on average, a lower body weight (about two pounds less) than non-cyclists. Weight, BMI, waist circumference and body fat percentage also decrease the more you cycle – and CCombining your weekly cycling workout with two and a half hours of walking per week can be even more beneficial for weight lossThis is the result of the study.

If you are trying to lose weight, A good strategy can be to cycle at varying intensities throughout the week. According to a 2021 study in Obesity, people who combined moderate-intensity exercise and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) over 24 weeks lost 6 pounds more than the group that did only moderate-intensity exercise. So if you go for a leisurely bike ride in the park one day and take a HIIT spinning class the next, you’re more likely to achieve long-term weight loss.

Plus, cycling can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories throughout the day, says Dr. Seltzer. That said, if you’re looking to lose weight, spinning shouldn’t be the only thing you do to reach that goal. “You have to be careful not to use your morning cycling class as an excuse to do less the rest of the day,” says Dr. Seltzer.

Ideally, you should Complement your cycling training with strength and resistance trainingsays Lampa. Strength training can help you build muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, she says.

Yoga can also be a helpful additional activity to prevent injuries and increase flexibility. “When you cycle three or four times a week, your body gets stuck in that hunched-over sitting position,” says Lampa. “It’s really important to stretch your muscles to avoid potential injury.”

How many calories can you burn while cycling?

The exact number of calories you burn while cycling is highly individual, but in general, you can burn between 400 and 1,000 calories per hour while cycling, Lampa says. Ideally, three or four indoor cycling classes per week work best, she says, and based on that rhythm, you could theoretically burn between 1,200 and 4,000 calories per week.

Still, it’s completely understandable if three to four classes a week isn’t realistic for you. In that case, you’re better off focusing on what you can accomplish, says Dr. Seltzer.

How many calories you burn while cycling may also depend on whether or not you’re in a calorie deficit—that is, consuming fewer calories than your body needs to maintain your weight. But if you’re already cycling and exercising fairly regularly, remember that you still need to consume enough calories to fuel your workouts.

For your information, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020–2025, adult women need at least 1,600–2,400 calories per day and adult men need 2,200–3,000 calories.

Who should (and who shouldn’t) try cycling for weight loss?

As with any form of exercise, you should consult your doctor before starting a cycling program, especially if you’re concerned about your health, have an injury or suffer from a specific medical condition, says Dr. Seltzer. If you’re generally healthy and don’t have any major concerns, it’s probably not a problem. But if you tend to experience pain or discomfort from sitting for long periods of time, cycling may just not be right for you, he says.

Although cycling on an exercise bike is less impactful and easier on the joints than other exercises, there are still risks associated with aerobic exercise that you should keep in mind, such as dehydration, muscle cramps, sleep disturbances, low energy, and risk of injury from overtraining. To be safe, always stretch before and after exercise, and give rest and recovery the same priority as the workout itself. According to UCLA Health, it’s recommended to skip exercise at least one day per week, but you can add more days if needed.

When cycling outside, be sure to obey the cycling laws in your area and be aware of your surroundings. As with any outdoor sport, there is always the risk of a collision – although interestingly, the risk of death is statistically significantly lower when cycling, according to a 2023 study in Frontiers in sports and active living. Specifically, participating in around 100 minutes of cycling per week was associated with a 17 percent lower risk of death than not participating in any cycling, the study found. Still, it pays to be vigilant, so wear a helmet and keep your eyes peeled!

Ultimately, the best exercise for weight loss is the one you enjoy. “If you’re doing spinning because you think it’s going to help you burn body fat, but you actually hate it, then spinning isn’t going to be for you in the long run,” says Dr. Seltzer. “It’s not like it’s much more effective than other types of cardio or your only option for weight loss.”

Additional reporting by Tianna Soto.

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