
Papua New Guinea prepares to welcome Pope Francis

Papua New Guinea prepares to welcome Pope Francis

Parish in the jungle area of ​​the Diocese of Alotau with Bishop Rolando C. Santos. © ACN

Parish in the jungle area of ​​the Diocese of Alotau with Bishop Rolando C. Santos. © ACN

Source: ACN

Catholics living in an extremely remote part of Papua New Guinea are overjoyed that Pope Francis will visit them as part of his upcoming trip. The pope will travel to the Commonwealth state from September 6-9, 2024, and missionary Father Martín Prado, who lives in the coastal town of Vanimo, said the local community was delighted to be on the papal itinerary.

Father Prado added that the locals were delighted to see the Pope, even though the city was difficult to reach.

He said: “Vanimo can only be reached or left by plane or boat. And even river crossings can be difficult after heavy rains.”

The city, located in the northwest, is the capital of the Sandaun province and has a population of around 11,200. Others live in remote settlements in the surrounding jungle, including many Catholics.

Father Prado said: “In the jungle, for example, we had the opportunity to baptize entire families, teach them the sign of the cross and preach the Gospel to them for the first time. There are people who really thirst for God, for spiritual life.”

In preparation for the Pope’s visit, up to 4,000 people took part in evening rosary prayers and other spiritual activities organized on a football field in the city.

Father Prado said: “We organize talks, hymns and some dances, things that are very dear to the Papuans. We also had confessions attended by people from all the parishes, who came on foot or in trucks. It was very moving.”

Father Prado told ACN that the church was committed to supporting the local community, many of whom lived in abject poverty.

The missionary of the Institute of the Incarnate Word said: “People live in very poor conditions and have almost no medicine. We are trying to build a home for disabled children and a school, as well as a home for orphaned girls who have been victims of violence. For this we always need help, but we know that God will always take care of us, his help comes through the hearts of generous benefactors.”

“We are very grateful to the Church in Need – thanks to the foundation we have been able to carry out many different projects and help bring the love of Christ closer to more people.”

Pope Francis will be the second Pope to visit Papua New Guinea, after Pope John Paul II visited in 1984 and 1995.

Pope Francis will travel to Vanimo on September 8 and celebrate Mass there.

As part of his trip, he is scheduled to meet with Governor-General Sir Bob Dadae, the country’s highest-ranking official who represents Papua New Guinea’s monarch, King Charles III.

With thanks to Maria Lozano and Teresa Fontes

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