
What Young Adults Are Reading: Royals – Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library

What Young Adults Are Reading: Royals – Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library

In young adult novels, as in real life, royalty is fascinating, especially for those of us who live in a country without a royal family. Check out some of my favorite books that feature royalty, including the challenges and privileges that come with such a high position.

Royal blood by Aimee Carter

Book cover girl sipping from a broken golden cupEvangeline “Evan” Bright has known for a long time that her father is the King of England. However, he seems to want nothing to do with her. She stays as far away from the royal spotlight as possible. When Evan is expelled from a boarding school again, she is forced to move to England and into the palace of a family she doesn’t know. When her identity is revealed and an evening takes a deadly turn, Evan becomes the prime suspect. Can she find out what really happened, or will this step into the spotlight destroy her life?

If you like a main character who is as cheeky as he is likeable, Royal blood is the book for you. Evan is quick-witted and has sharp retorts that will keep you rooting for her throughout the story. Her hesitation to trust her new family and friends is by turns heartbreaking and completely understandable. She feels the pressure of the spotlight and feels like she can’t live up to the expectations everyone has of a royal family. Only she can decide whether to stick with what she knows and is comfortable with, or venture into the unknown and give her new family a chance.

If you want more from Aimee Carter, check out Farmer.

Prince Charming by Rachel Hawkins

Book cover: boy on one side and girl on the otherDaisy Winters and her sister Ellie couldn’t be more different. Ellie is almost perfect. Daisy dances to her own tune.

Daisy’s life is turned upside down when Ellie becomes engaged to a real prince. Now Daisy is under scrutiny and must figure out where she fits in a new world that is trying to make her a lady. Will Daisy change or will the rules change?

Daisy’s personality is full of life. In many ways, she’s a normal teenager. She works to earn money and doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life. Daisy’s personality makes her relatable. I cheered for her as she navigated the unknown. She enjoys being different and doesn’t believe she has to change to fit into her sister’s new world.

If you like The fairytale prince and want to read more from Rachel Hawkins, then visit Rebel Belle.

American Royals by Katherine McGee

Book cover girl with sunglasses, costumeThe first in a series, American Royals explores what this country would have looked like had George Washington accepted the crown offered to him by the people at the end of the Revolutionary War. This story follows the lives of three siblings living in an alternate version of modern times, yet still feels rooted in history. In many ways, this book deals with challenges that royalty has had to deal with for centuries: succession, family, and planning one’s own life.

Being part of the American royal family is tough. Siblings Beatrice, Samantha and Jefferson handle the challenges in different ways. Beatrice is the heir to the throne, but is that what she really wants? Samantha has always been the backup, so it’s OK for her to do what she wants, right? Jefferson is third in line to the throne, but first in the hearts of many of his fans. Who will win his heart?

If you enjoy American Royals and want to follow the story further, then look here majesty.

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