
World Trail Majors sets commitments to inclusivity for female runners

World Trail Majors sets commitments to inclusivity for female runners

The World Trail Majors international running series points out that trail running has made progress in terms of the inclusion of women compared to other sports due to its relatively young age, but there is still room for improvement.

The series of events points out that… “Women are an integral part of this sport, but participation remains low at many races, indicating room for improvement. We decided to set up a few internal rules for all World Trail Majors events and enlisted the help of SheRACES to ensure we cover all bases and take the most sensible steps.”

The series’ organizing team wants all World Trail Majors races to make a number of commitments aimed at removing barriers to women’s participation.

  • Images/Content: Website, social media and all other forms of marketing to promote inclusivity. From the website homepage to race pages, newsletters, previews, results and race reports, give equal space to the women’s and men’s races in words and images, covering all demographics involved in the races. Use images of the entire field, not just the pros.
  • Race overviews and language: Do not use terminology that makes the races seem more difficult than they are, as this may discourage women from participating. Try to present a balanced and accurate representation of the difficulty of the races.
  • Race information: Helpful for everyone, but important for women’s safety. Include as much information as possible in the registration information, including how to get to the event, where to stay, bag drop-off locations, restrooms, aid stations, gear recommendations and more. Make sure you have an active contact system in place to provide timely and prompt responses to inquiries via social media or email.
  • Fair Pregnancy and Postpartum Deferral/Refund Policy: 2-year deferral and/or 100% refund for pregnancy and postpartum. Applies to partners and adoption for a period of 3 months from the due date.
  • Period products: Provide a selection of different feminine hygiene products at the start, finish and at each aid station/checkpoint.
  • Toilets/changing rooms: Separate toilets and changing areas at the start/finish and, if possible, at all aid stations. In addition, the competition rules should remind athletes not to go to the toilet directly on the course.
  • Safety: Provide a buddy system/support for runners or group runners on night sections or in areas that may be considered risky for women running alone.
  • Volunteering: Every volunteer team at the aid stations should include women.
  • Anonymity: Any request to anonymize the results will be considered.
  • Clothing/Merchandise: Available in fits and sizes for men and women.
  • Breastfeeding/Pumping: Provide adequate private space where possible and ensure you are asked about it at checkpoints.
  • Space to race: Give the leading ladies their own space at the start if possible. Race rules are intended to remind all athletes not to harass, intimidate or make derogatory comments about other athletes at any point on the course.
  • Unacceptable Behavior: Any report of unacceptable behavior or harassment must be taken seriously. Take prompt action and ensure appropriate consequence/punishment is applied where appropriate.
  • Awards/Prizes: Equal for women and men.
  • Cut-offs: They need to be generous enough while still providing the challenge everyone is looking for. Shorter cut-offs at the beginning don’t help women, who normally run at a more consistent pace.

Sophie Power, Founder of SheRACES, said: “I am delighted that all World Trail Majors events are adopting the SheRACES guidelines, demonstrating that they are actively welcoming more women to their start lines and are committed to providing a positive experience for female athletes and equally valuing our competition.

“Women face many obstacles when running ultramarathons and are therefore in the minority at the start lines. This support and leadership from such iconic races will inspire other events to remove the barriers and improve our sport for women worldwide.”

World Trail Majors is a non-profit association founded by 10 independent trail running races with the aim of promoting the sport in diverse and sustainable ways while preserving the original spirit of trail/ultra running. 2024 is the inaugural year of the race series.

The association consists of Anta Hong Kong 100 Ultramarathon, Black Canyon Ultras, The North Face Transgrancanaria, Mt Fuji 100, MIUT – Madeira Island Ultra-Trail, Swiss Canyon Trail, South Downs Way 100, Quebec Mega Trail, Grand Raid des Pyrenees and RMB Ultra Trail Cape Town.

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