
Cat photographer shares his ‘wildest’ kitty pictures and they are absolutely epic

Cat photographer shares his ‘wildest’ kitty pictures and they are absolutely epic

If you have a fur baby, chances are most of the photos on your phone are of your cat or dog. I know that’s the case for me! Nils Jacob is a cat photographer in Germany (he also goes by the nickname “The Catographer”) and his images are coveted by cat owners everywhere. On Monday, August 12, he shared a video with some of his “wildest” cat photos, and they will definitely brighten your day!

From start to finish, these kitties are very lively! We can see them playing, fighting, and even pushing each other off the stand they are photographed on. The longer the video goes on, the funnier the photos become!

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My favorites are the two that look like they’re wrestling (orange cat standing behind the black and white cat and pulling him backwards) and all the ones where the kittens fall off the stand. I want to see more of Jacob’s pictures! The video was a hit and got millions of views and people left nearly 4,000 comments.

@sophia_mueller made me laugh when she said, “Looks like a photoshoot of me and my sister fighting over the remote.” @Mabex joked, “Feels like they won Olympic medals in gymnastics and wrestling LOL!” Another commenter wrote, “Love how there’s almost always just one cat screaming something like AHHHHHH!!!!!” and @staceyfownessangster added, “It’s like they all woke up and said ‘today I choose violence’ haha!”

Related: Action-packed photoshoot with orange kitten creates plenty of adorable drama

Why you should consider adopting a cat from the shelter

Jacob says in his caption that the pictures were taken at the amazing animal shelter in his hometown. All of the cats in the video have found permanent homes and he still photographs them regularly. I think this is a great way to showcase cats and kittens for adoption and it definitely shows their personalities and how much fun these little ones are!

If you’re thinking about getting a new pet, consider adopting one from a local animal shelter. While many shelters today are non-kill shelters, not all are. When animals don’t find foster homes or aren’t adopted within a certain time frame, they’re often euthanized even though they’re perfectly healthy. Shelters simply don’t have enough space or money to keep every stray, rescued, or abandoned dog alive. That’s a sad truth.

Aside from saving a life, another great reason to adopt is to save money. Animal shelters don’t make money from selling animals. The fees you pay when you adopt cover the cost of spaying, food, medical expenses, and other everyday expenses. Instead of paying thousands of dollars for your next fur baby, you’ll only pay a few hundred, or in some cases, even less. Some shelters even hold adoption events and waive adoption fees just to help animals find new forever homes.

Many people, myself included, say that animals they rescued from a shelter or rescue make the best pets; it’s almost as if they know you saved them and changed their lives. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this, every paw parent who has adopted a shelter animal swears it’s true. It’s worth considering when you’re looking for your next pet!

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