
Father fulfills his daughter’s childhood dream with a real Flintstones car

Father fulfills his daughter’s childhood dream with a real Flintstones car

After 20 years of anticipation, a Buenos Aires girl’s childhood dream came true when her father finally built her a replica of Fred Flintstone’s legendary foot-powered car.

“When I was seven years old, I asked my dad to build me a Flintstones car, and 20 years later, he did it,” Macarena Costantini told Storyful.

“Here we have the Flintstones’ car, in honor of a seven-year-old girl’s wish,” she can be heard saying in her video, referring to the “modern Stone Age family” with their Spanish name Los Picapiedras.

Costantini doesn’t have to run around like Fred Flintstone, though. According to her father, her Flintmobile is equipped with an engine and four gears. Photo credit: Macarena Costantini via Storyful

Video transcript

My dad, when you asked me to help me because I’m Gustavan, who lets go of Picapiedra so much that I have to get Picapiedra’s car.

Cuestin que siempre, si yo no, s te lo hago Este ao Te lo hago este ao y nunca lo hizo.

Entonces esto fue cuando yo tena siete.

Han pasado vente aos, pero el seor lo logr.

I believe that Pica Piedras’ car will be an honor for one year’s wishes.

So we will try it.

The result is that you can get a Rbol.

So what did he say, my father?

We are the flight attendant.

It is possible that Digamos explains that it is an engine.

You have a hundredth of a second value.

A dozen years.



Well, the changes.

First for later.

Yes, you asked that.

For these changes.

Everything has changed.

All one vehicle.

No, no, no Creo.

About Desarma.

That’s the truth.

He wanted to destroy me to destroy him.

It’s with the pie Porque no, No lo freno.

Ah, good.

Frena the same, right?

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