
Tulum opens a new natural park that combines jungle, archaeology and stunning beaches

Tulum opens a new natural park that combines jungle, archaeology and stunning beaches

Tulum is converting an old airfield into the new “Jaguar Park,” a 2,844-hectare site, a cultural, historical and ecological project that will be a central part of the sustainable development plan for southeastern Mexico, according to a marketing campaign to mark the park’s opening.

Images and videos published so far show an impressive natural landscape that combines the breathtaking jungle with the dazzling Caribbean Sea.

According to the authorities, the main objective is to preserve and protect the jaguar by promoting conservation and environmentally friendly cultural and tourist activities open to visitors from all over the world.

Scheduled to open September 6-9, Jaguar Park features a new Mayan Museum, 1.9 km of strategically placed bike paths for exploring the Mayan ruins, hiking trails, ocean viewpoints, tourist service modules, a restored lighthouse and much more.

The side facing the Caribbean Sea is already open to the public. Visitors have access to Santa Fe, Mangle, Maya and Pescadores beaches along Coastal Avenue, as well as public restrooms and other tourist amenities.

The authorities clarify that these beaches have always been accessible to the public, but access was previously restricted.

The local population is very pleased about the opening of the new property and the associated employment opportunities in the region, which they believe will benefit Mexicans from Quintana Roo and neighboring countries.

“I never imagined how far Tulum could go. I find this development very beautiful and above all I am proud of the investments that have been made to present Tulum as what it is: a wonderful place,” said a local woman.

The park includes the Tulum National Park (PNT) and the Jaguar Flora and Fauna Protection Area (APFFJ) and has received a federal investment of over US$127,082,611.

Another notable feature is that This park will be connected to the Mayan train, the flagship project of outgoing Mexican President Andrés Manuél López Obrador.

Other facilities include a new federal highway, a hub for electric buses and crossings for people and animals.

In summary, these are the activities and services you can enjoy at the new Jaguar Park starting in September, according to Mexico’s official website:

Main activities:

  • Tours of the archaeological zone of Tulum.
  • Cliff walking.
  • Biking for children and adults.
  • bird watching.
  • Sea observation from a vantage point.
  • Bathe.
  • Shopping.

Main facilities

  • Bicycle parking.
  • Park.
  • 46 trade and information stands.
  • toilets.
  • Traditional kitchens including 8 dining areas.
  • Electric transport.
  • Bike rental and repair stations throughout the park.
  • Rental of protective equipment.
  • Public toilets.
  • 6 restaurants.
  • 1 garden.

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